Calvin has driven buses in Australia and Hong Kong. He lists the 'big differences'
Published: 14/11/2024Duration: 10:35
[Cantonese] Australia and its people | Episode 1
Published: 08/09/2023Duration: 09:37
[Cantonese] Australia's democratic beliefs, rights and liberties | Episode 2
Published: 08/09/2023Duration: 09:17
[Cantonese] Government and the law | Episode 3
Published: 08/09/2023Duration: 09:03
[Cantonese] Australian values | Episode 4
Published: 08/09/2023Duration: 09:00
[Cantonese] First Nations peoples and cultures | Bonus episode
Published: 08/09/2023Duration: 26:22
美國學校網入稟法院 斥社交媒體影響青年心理健康
Published: 09/01/2023Duration: 07:49
From Gympie to gweilo: Why Greg gave up a medicine degree to play the 'token white guy' in hundreds of Hong Kong's soapies
Published: 15/07/2022Duration: 22:09
From deadlines to diapers: How Hong Konger ‘stay-at-home dads’ have overcome Asian stigmas and adjusted to their new roles
Published: 14/07/2022Duration: 14:07
Your social life might be impacted if you opt against COVID vaccination
Published: 05/03/2021Duration: 11:35
PM confirms Hong Kongers must go through existing residency pathways in an apparent backflip
Published: 15/02/2021Duration: 02:06
'Australia will seek to do the right thing by our citizens': PM reacts to Hong Kong dual citizenship shift
Published: 11/02/2021Duration: 02:35