
Rachel Griffiths on Trump, marriage equality in Australia and how Millenials will save us all

On The Playlist podcast, the ‘When We Rise’ star sounds off on how we’ve allowed marriage equality to be used as political football...

2017 Winter TCA - Portraits

Rachel Griffiths from 'When We Rise'. Source: Getty Images

On the latest full episode of The Playlist, Nick and Fiona talked to actress Rachel Griffiths. She was in a little movie called Muriel’s Wedding – and a show called Six Feet Under. Maybe you’ve heard of her.

Now, she’s in When We Rise, a stirring series on SBS On Demand that chronicles the pursuit of gay rights in the US, which she says reminded her in some ways of Roots.

Griffiths also makes it clear that while she’s not a fan of the Trump administration – “… a borderline white nationalist regime… an older, whiter, maler centralisation of power” – she is more concerned about what’s happening in Australia.

“We haven’t even had marriage equality here [in Australia] so I can’t get engaged really in this country talking about what’s happening in America,” she says on the show. “This is what we have control of and we’ve let something not be decided and be used as political football and it’s not right.”

She also talks about the rise of hate speech around the world and how the Millenials may save us all.

Plus, she really likes The Night Manager and The Crown.

Listen to the entire interview here:
And make sure to  (or wherever you get your podcasts)!


Watch When We Rise on SBS On Demand - or when it broadcasts on SBS on Saturday, 11 March at 8:30pm. Here's the first episode:

2 min read
Published 6 March 2017 2:49pm
Updated 17 March 2017 5:13pm
By SBS Guide
Source: SBS

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