Guest curator Danielle Cormack selects her SBS On Demand favourites

The 'Wentworth' star and host of SBS' ground-breaking documentary series 'Life on the Outside' has prepared a very personal selection of movies and programs for you to enjoy right now at SBS On Demand.

Danielle Cormack

Danielle Cormack (right) with some of her selections. From left: Boy, The Red Balloon, Couple's Therapy. Source: SBS On Demand

When we first said we'd like you to curate a collection, what goes through your mind? What do you want your selections to say about you? 

Firstly, what went through my mind is, SBS has such an amazing array of films and shows and content. I was like, 'Oh my goodness, I'm spoilt for choice'. On the odd occasion, when I get to sink my derriere into my couch space, [SBS] is one of the first stations of all networks I'll go to because I know that it aligns with my taste.
Secondly, with the choices that I've made, I think maybe because I'm here talking about Life on the Outside [I'm focused on] themes about isolation. Also [my selections have] a connection to Indigenous stories and supporting an Indigenous culture, and stories that encapsulate a lot of those ideas. There are also some Kiwi [stories] in there because I'm a Kiwi and there are some personal affiliations I have with one of the one of the projects I've chosen. I don't know if it's made it onto the [final] list, but there is a particularly important and very close connection to one of those projects for me...

And which one is that? 


That has definitely made the list! Let's start with it, and your connection to it


Boy is a very well-known New Zealand film from Aotearoa, the land that I stem from, the land where I was born. And my youngest son's father is in that film [Pana Hema Taylor plays Juju, one of Alamein's friends], so we have a really close connection to that film, our whanau here. I feel all [the film's] themes of childhood and growing up and trying to connect with your parents. All of that disconnect that happens sometimes, and the idea around a child's fantasy about what they want their families to be like, and what they end up being like, and then how to navigate those relationships as youth and then as adults as well. I feel like that's really important, especially now, and [these themes connect with] the project that I've been working on with SBS and ITV, Life on the Outside, which is a lot about those family and intergenerational relationships. 

Boy is streaming at SBS On Demand


Orlando is an oldie, but a goodie. I am absolutely crushing hard and have done ever since I saw Orlando. So if anything has Tilda Swinton in it, it is always going to be my number one pick. I just think she's one of our bona fide performers, in my generation or my lifetime. I just think she can do no wrong. She's amazing and it's an incredible story, and I feel like a story that's probably quite topical, about gender fluidity and how we occupy gender identity. 

I've got this amazing story about Tilda: I was working on a film in New Zealand and I there was an artist that was painting, for the sets. I asked him if he could paint my portrait. And so I went to the studio and we sat there as he painted my portrait, because I wanted to have that done before I met my greater good. And I looked around the room and there was a beautiful face on all these big canvases and I was like, 'I know that person'. And he said, 'Yes, that's Tilda Swinton. She's my lover'. And it was her partner, Sandro, and we've remained very good friends ever since. So I get to see them every now and then when they're down here.

You're right. That's an amazing story. And now you've got a portrait.

Yes! I don't know where it has ended up...

Orlando is now streaming at SBS On Demand - but be quick! It's leaving soon...

Incarceration Nation

Incarceration Nation is, I think, compulsory viewing. It highlights the state of a system that, I think, is incredibly flawed in this country: the corrections system, the prison system. It also highlights, very importantly, Indigenous incarceration, the Stolen Generations, colonisation and how things have got to this point. I think anyone that lives in this country should be watching this, it's mandatory viewing. And more so because once again, the show that I've been very privileged to be part of, Life on the Outside, highlights the disproportionate amount of Indigenous people and that are currently inside the system. And you know, it's endemic this racism, and [Incarceration Nation] will open your eyes to what we can do to fix the situation or to be part of the solution. We hear from some really, really important members of the community here. 

Incarceration Nation is now streaming at SBS On Demand
(and is also available in with Vietnamese, Arabic, Simplified Chinese and Traditional Chinese subtitles)

Arratika! Rise Up

I am a very proud Kiwi. My son is Maori, and so we have a lot of waiata and Kapa Haka in our house and that voice of the warrior spirit and of the Indigenous spirit is so, so important. And [so is] watching a show where a collective of Indigenous men, and women behind the scenes, have come together to find their song. We can all be very proud; not only people who are Indigenous, but also people who live in Australia, who are living on the land here, to be acknowledging an incredibly proud Indigenous culture. The history of those stories, and to [watch people] find their voice and to rise up is so important. You see how motivating it is and the morale of communities and groups that have a voice. I think it's really important to support that. For us, it's 'Tihei Maori Ora', to see Indigenous mums and brothers and sisters rising up with their own song and their own spirit and their own warrior spirit is very, very important. I think it's a great film.

Araatika! Rise Up is now streaming at SBS On Demand

Four Walls

Four Walls is an odd collection of short films that are set in one hotel room. The continuum of it is that it is the same hotel room, but they have this very odd maid who appears in all of them. The reason why I love this is because I'm working on a project at the moment that is set in one location, on one night, with a small group of characters. So I love the idea of how much story can we tell with very few characters and in one location and minimise all of the the sort of, you know, the flotsam and jetsam of storytelling. I love it, and it's unusual and it's really wonderful to hear the Afrikaans language as well. 

Four Walls (Season 1) is now streaming at SBS On Demand

Alone (US)

I had no idea what this show was. I just loved the title because I love being alone. I don't like being lonely, but I love being alone. And during all this time, you know, people have been locked up. Most people around the world have been locked up, if not by themselves, then with families or furry friends. I know for me anyway, it sounds terrible, but I've been in isolation with my children and I just... I love my kids, but I just want to be alone sometimes! And I love being in nature. I love the idea of a self-imposed exile from civilisation; that is very appealing to me. So I really love the show and I like to see how people can be resourceful with nature. And you know, and also just how terrifying it is to be alone out in the nature, but then how liberating it can be as well. 

The 7-season box set of Alone is streaming at SBS On Demand. Start here:  
And when you're done, try , Alone Norway, and

Couples Therapy

Couples Therapy to me is one of those shows that [I love], as a performer, as an actor. Because I spend most of my time investigating humanity and I, I would like to be a fly on the wall in any given situation. I know that they know they're being filmed but it just shows me that we all struggle with the same power struggles. And you know [it shows] that communication is paramount. I love listening to the podcast, Esther Perel, which is about couples as well, but it's lovely to have a vision of people. And I'm also studying, doing a diploma in counselling at the moment, so it's [laughs] vital for my work. I shouldn't be laughing. Why am I laughing? I just find it kind of hilarious, you know that? I mean, we're all we're all crawling out of the swamp. What can I say? 

Couples Therapy S1 is now streaming at SBS On Demand

The Red Balloon

The Red Balloon was one of my greatest childhood companions when I used to go and stay with my grandmother for long periods of time. She had the big, black-and-white book of 'The Red Balloon', and I just loved the pictures. I loved that it was all black-and-white until we saw the colours of the balloon. It's just the story of a child finding friendship with an inanimate object and just being taken through the streets of Paris. I just love this story; it is very nostalgic for me. 

The Red Balloon is now streaming at SBS On Demand



 - As told to SBS On Demand Head of Curation, Fiona Williams


Life on the Outside is an ITV Studios Australia production for SBS.

Life on the Outside will also be available to stream on SBS On Demand with subtitles in five languages: Simplified Chinese, Arabic, Vietnamese, Traditional Chinese and Korean, allowing more Australians to engage in these important topics.  

Life on the Outside continues Wednesdays at 8:30pm on SBS and , where all episodes are available after brodcaast. Start with episode 1:

10 min read
Published 23 March 2022 5:23pm
Updated 24 March 2022 8:55am

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