Three Alabama newspapers have devoted their weekend editions to the stories of women, after the US state passed the strictest anti abortion laws in the country last week.
According to , three papers under the The Alabama Media Group, including the Birmingham News, the Huntsville Times and the Mobile Press-Register, featured from Alabama women from across the political and social spectrum.
Alabama Media Group Vice-President of content Kelly Scott said the series, titled “” featured a range of voices, and included women who were angry that the 'majority of men in the state legislature spoke for them'.
"Missing from many of those conversations were the voices of women from this state. No one should ignore their voices," she said.
The series included pro-life women who criticised the extreme laws, which at any stage of pregnancy, without exemptions for rape and incest.
"Being truly pro-life extends beyond in-utero, especially considering blacks are more likely to be murdered in this country and their cases are more likely to be unsolved," one of the contributors, Idrissa Snider wrote.
Isabel Hope, 16, wrote that the ban made her feel unsafe to walk alone at night.
"This abortion ban puts myself, my friends and future generations in danger. Not to mention any victims of sexual assault or rape. I don't feel safe walking alone ever. How am I supposed to feel knowing that if something were to happen, I would have no option?"
Rachel Kauser, 45, shared her story of being raped by a maintenance worker at 19, who copied dorm keys in order to access student's rooms.
"I was ashamed, scared, depressed, and paranoid, after the rape," she wrote.
"If I had become pregnant from that incident, I would have had an abortion. There is no way I would have ever considered carrying out a pregnancy caused by my rapist. After I was raped, I went to the hospital to be evaluated and given the "morning after" pill. I am thankful that I had an option. I am telling my story to encourage women in Alabama to turn this poison into medicine and run for office. We will only see change, when our interests are represented in our state legislature."