Jonathan Van Ness and Cynthia Nixon chat politics ahead of election

Just two Emmy winners having a kiki.

Jonathan Van Ness with Cynthia Nixon

Source: Cynthia for New York

With the New York gubernatorial primary election coming up later this week, some members of the local LGBTIQ+ community are crossing their fingers for a surprise victory from underdog candidate - and famously "unqualified lesbian" - Cynthia Nixon.

Among them, it seems, is Queer Eye star Jonathan Van Ness, who jumped at the chance to spend time chatting with Nixon in her New York City apartment.

"What are some of the concrete changes that you feel, as Governor, the people of New York will experience?" Van Ness asked.
"We'll pass the New York Health Act, which will insure every single New Yorker with a medicare system," Nixon replied.

"Every New Yorker, including undocumented people - better, cheaper, without co-pays, without deductibles. Not only will we do that for New Yorkers, but we will show the country that this is possible."

She continued: "We have to invest in education, we have to invest in schools - not jails. We have to end the school-to-prison pipeline, we have to stop mass incarceration. When we say 'black lives matter', we actually have to mean it."
“There are so many people like me, who want to come together and make these things that people said could never happen — they want to make them happen,” Van Ness tells Nixon.

“Because we want to see things change in this country.”

You can watch the full video below:

2 min read
Published 12 September 2018 5:22pm
By Samuel Leighton-Dore

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