Before joining the NBC comedy "Chuck" as a series regular, Canadian-born actor Vik Sahay managed to carve out a slow, steady niche of opportunity north or the border. In 1998-99, he was Kelvin Calvin on the Canadian high school-themed show "Radio Active," about a group of students working the radio airwaves. That was followed by the role of Dala Vidya on 2000 kids' show "Our Hero" and the part of Anil Sharma on 2005-06 CBC-TV comedy-drama "This is Wonderland." Many Canadian actors venture down to L.A. for the annual TV pilot season, while others are submitted initially via videotape by their faraway agent or manager. Sahay no doubt took a crack at this annual derby prior to the advent of "Chuck," but he was able, with that show, to win the Canadian actor's equivalent of the lottery. As a result, Sahay landed the lead in the 2011 independent drama "Afghan Luke," about a journalist venturing to Afghanistan to do a story on the war-torn country's hashish trade.