Pankaj Kapoor was an actor who had a successful Hollywood career. In his early acting career, Kapoor appeared in such films as "Gandhi" (1982) with Ben Kingsley, "Jaane Bhi Do Yaaron" (1983) and "Aghaat" (1986) with Om Puri. He also appeared in the drama "Kahan Kahan Se Guzar Gaya" (1986) with Anil Kapoor, the drama "Yeh woh manzil to nahin" (1987) with Manohar Singh and "Main Zinda Hoon" (1988). His film career continued throughout the eighties and the early 2000s in productions like "Raakh" (1988), the Shabana Azmi drama "Khandar" (1989) and "The Weight of Cotton" (1997). He also appeared in the foreign "Main Prem Ki Deewani Hoon" (2003) with Hrithik Roshan, "The Blue Umbrella" (2007) and "Dharm" (2008). Recently, he tackled roles in the Kareena Kapoor dramatic adaptation "Halla Bol" (2008), the Imran Khan romantic comedy "Matru Ki Bijlee Ka Mandola" (2013) and "Finding Fanny" (2014). Kapoor most recently acted in the Shahid Kapoor romantic comedy "Shaandaar" (2015).