Though primarily a star in her native France, actress Carole Bouquet made a lasting impression as one of the more widely recognized Bond Girls for her performance opposite Roger Moore's 007 in "For Your Eyes Only" (1981). Prior to her breakout film, Bouquet starred in Luis Bunuel's "That Obscure Object of Desire" (1977) and Bertrand Blier's "Cold Cuts" (1979), which starred future companion, Gerard Depardieu, with whom she had a long-term liaison nearly 20 years later. Meanwhile, she was primed for stardom following her role in "For Your Eyes Only," but opted to make films in Europe instead of pursuing a career in Hollywood. All throughout the 1980s and 1990s, Bouquet was a major star in France, turning in noted performances in films like "Dagger Eyes" (1983), "Double Messieurs" (1986) and "Too Beautiful for You" (1989). Director Francis Ford Coppola cast him for his segment of the anthology "New York Stories" (1989), which brought her briefly to the States, but the actress again opted to make movies at home and turned in one of her better performances in the true-to-life "Lucie Aubrac" (1997). Her personal life took a hit in the next century when her engagement with Depardieu fell apart and she later became tabloid fodder for an alleged affair with French president Nicolas Sarkozy. Regardless, Bouquet remained a popular celebrity in France whose notably alluring beauty only became more refined with age.