Meet 'The Enforcer'

Shenika is not only a mother of two, but a successful model. The 28-year-old came 10th in ‘The Face’ with judge, Naomi Campbell. Hard-working and little tolerance for laziness or bad behaviour are her top traits, much to the dismay of her younger siblings. Effortlessly stylish Shenika has been dubbed as the fashionista of the Rule family.

Family Rules

Shenika Rule - sister number two. Source: Family Rules

What emoji describes you best?

Family Rules
Source: Family Rules

Who is your biggest inspiration?

It would definietly have to be my mum, especially after being a mother myself now, I mean watching how she juggles everything is such an inspiration so I really do look up to her and she's the first one I call when I have any questions about motherhood. I know it should probably be a doctor, *laughs* but I always turn to my mum.

Who would you like to meet the most and why?

Marilyn Monroe. Ever since I was a kid ive been obsessed with her and I just want to know what she was actually like in person.

If you could date anyone who would it be and why?

I don’t know, probably Paul Walker because he was my first celebrity crush.

What can’t you live without?

My children – It's like now you have them and it’s so hard to imagine life without them.
Family Rules
Source: Family Rules

Must have accessory?

My wedding bands

What’s the coolest thing you’ve learnt about your culture?

When we did the trip to Norseman I recently learnt something pretty amazing that I never knew before. We were shown a tree that was already shaped in a way that made it able to capture water. It’s a huge tree and it’s been around for ages. Back in the day they would visit it when they’d be out of water to refill and I find it very special.

Which sister has the worst habit and what is it?

Family Rules
Aleisha Rule Source: Family Rules
Aleisha swears every now and again, I dont care if she swears normally but when she does it around mum and my little boys I go crazy. When we grew up we weren’t allowed to swear, mum wouldn’t allow it, and it just wasn’t in our vocabulary, we had dad so he’d give us the lot if we did but the young ones do it a bit.

Share the best advice passed on from a family member

When we were growing up and I got into modeling mum always said to me:

"Treat your body like a temple" - so I learnt to respect how to treat myself, what to wear and what to eat.

What’s your most loved dream-time story?

The bird who’s got his colours – I read it to my boys now and they love it.

Family Rules airs on Monday 9 January, 7.30pm on NITV Ch. 34 

Catch a sneak peak of Episode 1 


Meet 'The Quiet One'

2 min read
Published 9 December 2016 3:19pm
Updated 13 December 2016 3:02pm

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