Beetaloo Basin Traditional Owners gather to fight fracking on their Country

Public money should not be used to "fill the pockets" of gas companies, say Traditional Owners opposed to a major mining and manufacturing project planned for the Northern Territory.


Larrikia and Nurrdalinji Traditional Owners and supporters are protesting Tamboran Resources hopes to fast track its bid to frack the Northern Territory’s Beetaloo Basin Source: AAP / Dean Lewins/AAPImage

The proposed development of the Middle Arm precinct, a major processing hub for gas, petrochemicals, hydrogen and carbon capture near Darwin, is being probed in a Senate inquiry.

The federal government has committed $1.5 billion to developing the Middle Arm development, which critics say essentially amounts to a subsidy for fossil fuel companies.

Members of the Larrakia and Nurrdalinji communities took part in a round table on Wednesday and have voiced their opposition to the development, which they see as enabling more fracking on their traditional lands.
Fracking is a drilling method used to extract natural gas from deep underground that greatly increases available gas reserves but which critics say causes devastating groundwater contamination.

Samuel Janama Sandy, a Jingili Elder and chair of the Nurrdalinji Native Title body, has said the federal government should listen to Traditional Owners who oppose the technique on their Country.

"Public money shouldn't be used to fill the pockets of big gas companies like Tamboran Resources who do not care about our Country, water and cultural heritage."

Traditional Owners standing together

Elders and Traditional Owners across the Beetaloo Basin have come together on Larrakia Country in attempt to protect and speak out against the fracking plans of Middle Arm by Tamboran.

Garrwa and Yanyuwa Traditional Owner, Jarwilmar Gadrian Hoosan said that the federal government should be investing in communities with solar on homes, better roads, healthcare and education, not gas.

"Us Traditional Owners have said no to fracking for over a decade," said Hoosan.

"We’re already feeling the impacts of climate change, with the extreme flooding in Borroloola and changing patterns in the fish and the birds."

Larrakia woman, Laniyuk alongside Hoosan said Traditional Owners were there to protect Country from the Middle Arm gas hub.
Our land, water, sacred sites - and the climate - everything's at risk. We’re here to tell the senators, no polluting gas hub at Middle Arm on our watch.

Destruction of sea Country

A number of politicians have been present during the action against Tamboran including Independents Senators for the ACT and Victoria, David Pocock and Gunnai Gunditjmara Djab Wurrung woman, Lidia Thorpe.

Senator Thorpe accompanied Larrikia custodians of sea Country to the site of Middle Arm and reported 'mind boggling' destruction.

"[There's] destruction to midden sites, destruction to cultural heritage, and not to mention air quality that affects everyone's lives," said Senator Thorpe in an Instagram post.

She also stated that the gas projects don't have free prior and informed consent from the Larrakia people, claiming that the state and federal governments are 'complicit' in the destruction of Country.

Tamboran's submission to the inquiry

Tamboran, a gas company planning to frack in the Beetaloo Basin, will be a key tenant of the hub.

In its own submission to the inquiry, Tamboran said the project was vital to ensuring Australia avoids an "energy supply crisis", with looming gas shortfalls in the east coast market.

"Australia has the opportunity to address those issues and secure an affordable and reliable domestic supply through our project in the Beetaloo Basin," the company said.
The inquiry is being chaired by Greens Senator Sarah Hanson-Young, who has said the federal government cannot afford to open up any new coal or gas projects if it is to address the climate crisis.

Tamboran says Beetaloo gas provides a dependable route for Australia's renewable energy transition and would provide neighbouring countries with access to relatively cleaner gas in place of more emission-intensive coal power.

The company, and the NT government, have spruiked the project's jobs and economic potential, claiming it will provide 20,000 permanent, high-skill jobs from 2025.

4 min read
Published 11 April 2024 12:31pm
Updated 12 April 2024 10:01am
Source: AAP

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