SBS News in Easy English 4 September 2024

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The Iranian government has summoned the Australian ambassador in Tehran over photos of Wear It Purple day at the embassy.

The summons has come a day after state media said the post "promoted homosexuality".

The post on the embassy's official Instagram account expresses dedication to creating "a supporting environment where everyone... can feel proud to be themselves".

The semi-official ILNA news agency has quoted Australian ambassador Ian McConville as saying the post was not intended to insult the Iranian people and their values.


A major crackdown on the illegal tobacco trade is currently underway in Victoria.

Authorities are hoping to combat the gang warfare that's seen more than a hundred fire bombings across Melbourne in less than a year.

Australian Border Force Commander Ken Mckern has told Channel 7 his agency is also involved.

He says the issue is international in scope.

"We know that border control measures here in Australia alone won't fix the problem, and history has shown us that working really closely with our Asia Pacific partners and the customs agencies in those jurisdictions to share information and intelligence, to share a mutual, mutual understanding of the illicit tobacco problem and to look at opportunities for operational activity across the Asia Pacific region, is highly effective in disrupting the supply of illicit tobacco into Australia."


The number of homes listed under "distressed" conditions is rising in some parts of the country.

Property researchers at SQM say the ACT and Tasmania experienced the sharpest year on year increases.

Elsewhere, conditions in the housing market appear to be softening.

But SQM Researcher Louis Christopher has told SBS News it's not yet cause for concern.

"So currently, nationwide we have just over 5,000 properties selling under distressed conditions. To give you some perspective on that number, prior to COVID, that number was hovering around 11 to 12,000 listings, and then it dropped away significantly over the course of 2021. It's been rising a little from a low base between '23 an '24. NSW and Victoria are recording a little bit of an acceleration but they're still relatively low numbers."


Authorities have criticised a group of hikers rescued from freezing conditions on Tasmania's Mount Wellington this week.

The group of 13 were rescued after setting out on a day hike, with minimal food and water, and no equipment.

They subsequently became stranded on the summit.

Tasmanian premier Jeremy Rockcliff has said it was “ridiculous” and “stupid”.

Tasmania Police Commander Jason Elmer says the hikers went ahead despite safety warnings.

"It's incredibly disappointing to see the totally irresponsible decision of a group of people to engage in bushwalking activities on Mount Wellington yesterday that resulted in requiring rescue from the top of the mountain. I thank the Hobart City Council employees who assisted Tasmania police."


Another 20 species have been added to Australia's endangered list.

Native plants, including a waratah species that's a symbol for the nation, account for most of the additions.

But they also include two lizards, a sea snake, a crayfish, a fish, and an entire ecological community on King Island off Tasmania.


Australia's online watchdog has ordered social media companies to reveal how many children are using their sites.

The request is because of concern kids are dodging age limits.

Most social media sites have their own age limits to prevent children under 13 from creating accounts.

But eSafety research has found one-in-four children aged eight to 10 used social media at least once a week.

Eight social media companies - include Snap and Facebook - will have 30 days to clarify what they are doing to keep underage children away.


Northern Territory Labor has appointed an Indigenous woman as its new leader following the Top End election.

Member for Arnhem, Nunggubuyu woman Selena Uibo has taken up the top job alongside an almost entirely Aboriginal caucus.

Her deputy leader is set to be Yaegl man and member for Daly, Dheran Young.
