Women are donating to Planned Parenthood in Mike Pence's name

People are protesting against Vice President-elect Mike Pence's conservative position on abortion by making donations to women's health providers in his name.

Vice President-elect Mike Pence participates in a cabinet meeting in the governor's Statehouse office in Indianapolis, Monday, Nov. 14, 2016. (AP Photo/Michael Conroy)

Vice President-elect Mike Pence participates in a cabinet meeting in the governor's Statehouse office in Indianapolis. Source: AP Photo/Michael Conroy

Donald Trump's Vice Presidential running mate, Indiana Governor Mike Pence, rallied the conservative Republican base with promises to defund non-profit sexual health service provider .

The organisation, which, provides contraceptive, pregnancy, and birthing assistance - as well as access to abortion services.

Since the Trump-Pence victory in last week's US election, Planned Parenthood says they've received a surge in donations, many made in Mike Pence and Hillary Clinton's names.
A number of users have also entered the address of the Indiana Governor's State House, meaning the Vice President-elect is set to receive thank you notes from the organisation. 

As Governor of Indiana, Pence signed laws to ban abortion on the basis of genetic disorders and mandated that women view an ultrasound before a termination procedure.

One law required funerary services be provided for aborted or miscarried fetuses, mandating that the tissue be cremated or buried rather than disposed of as medical waste.

Planned parenthood, among others, sucessfully challeneged many of those measures in US courts.

1 min read
Published 15 November 2016 11:53am
By Shami Sivasubramanian, Ben Winsor

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