Trump's first 100 days in 10 tweets

AFP looks back at 10 tweets from Donald Trump's first 100 days which represent his presidency so far.

President Donald Trump

President Donald Trump Source: AP

Since entering office, President Donald Trump has used Twitter to issue declarations on everything from America's geopolitical rivals to his personal feuds with the likes of Arnold Schwarzenegger.

As Trump prepares to mark 100 days in office this weekend, here are 10 Tweets that have characterised the opening phase of his presidency:

America first:

President Trump sets out his governing mantra on January 20:
Justifying his ban on travellers from a group of mainly Muslim countries, on February 3:
Reacting then the ban was blocked:

Friend or Foe?

Voicing frustration with both Pyongyang and Beijing over North Korea's nuclear program on March 17:
Trump has an apparent change of heart towards Beijing on April 16:
Trump takes aim at German leader Angela Merkel, a traditional US ally, after a frosty summit in Washington on March 18:

The other guy

Trump accuses his predecessor Barack Obama on March 4 of wiretapping his Manhattan skyscraper during the elections:
Defending his performance on February 18 after his first four weeks in office:

Enemies of the people

Letting rip at some of the biggest names in the US media landscape on February 17:

Hasta la Vista:

Trump reacts on March 4 to the departure of the "Terminator" star and fellow Republican, an outspoken critic of the president and his successor as host of the former reality TV show:

WATCH: Trump and Turnbull to meet face-to-face

2 min read
Published 28 April 2017 7:42am
Updated 28 April 2017 8:13am

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