
This 25-year-old is learning his seventh language. It's proving critical in his job

Today, 21 February, marks International Mother Language Day. Meet the Hazara refugee using his proficiency in multiple languages to connect with patients from diverse backgrounds.

A man wearing surgical clothing in a hospital

Kumail Jaffry at a Melbourne hospital. Source: Supplied / Monash Health

When Dr Kumail Jaffry is scrubbing in for surgery at one of Australia's busiest hospitals, the refugee who fled Afghanistan is reminded it's a dream come true.

"It's just an amazing feeling. It can't be described in words, to be honest," says Jaffry, 25.

"When I'm scrubbing in, I'm going into the theatre to fulfil a lifelong goal."

Jaffry is a colorectal surgery resident at Victoria's Dandenong Hospital, a major teaching and research hospital serving one of Australia's most diverse communities where more than 130 languages are spoken.

His grasp of six languages is a major asset for this ambitious young doctor — and the hospital.
A man wearing a blue long-sleeved shirt stands at a fenced lookout with a woman and two children. The ocean is in the background.
Kumail Jaffry with his family in Victoria. Source: Supplied / Dr Kumail Jaffry.
"At home, I speak Hazaragi (one of the dozens of dialects of Dari-speaking Afghans) and I am fluent in Dari. I also speak Farsi, Urdu, and Hindi. And this year, I am learning Arabic," Jaffry says.

"So, I can interpret for patients in multiple languages. And what I've found is that it improves patient trust and autonomy as well as satisfaction."

Life in Afghanistan

His new life as a doctor in Melbourne is a world away from his birth town of Ghazni, a two-and-a-half-hour drive south of Kabul in Afghanistan.

Growing up Hazara in Afghanistan, Jaffry faced many barriers to higher education.
Kumail Jaffry (left) as a boy wearing a cap with a younger sibling.
Kumail Jaffry (left) as a child in Afghanistan. Source: Supplied / Dr Kumail Jaffry.
"It was a tough life. We lived in poverty, we lived in fear, we were not able to get out of the house to pursue our dreams," he says.

"Our family can be identified as Hazara quite quickly because of the way we look. So, we were easy targets for anyone who would go against us or try to kill us."

Hazaras are among the most discriminated ethnic minorities in Afghanistan and have long faced persecution. Violence has escalated since the Taliban regained control in 2021.
“When I was a child, my uncle was shot dead. So having close members of your family die or disappearing … it's a major barrier to achieving your dreams,” he says.

"If you are constantly being targeted, you have that fear always at the back of your head to even step out of the house let alone going to a university."

Seeking refuge in Pakistan

After his father became ill, Jaffry took on responsibility for his mother and younger brothers.

When he was 11 years old, the family fled across the border into Pakistan.
Two boys, a woman and a baby pose for a photograph in a creek bed.
Kumail Jaffry with his family in Pakistan. Source: Supplied / Dr Kumail Jaffry.
"We were still targeted in Pakistan. And two or three times a week we would see dead bodies in the streets of the town where I lived," he says.

"As my grandparents were already in Australia, they were able to support us to escape, and come to Victoria for a better future."

Conquering his sixth language

Jaffry vividly recalls the challenges he faced arriving in Melbourne as a 12-year-old in 2011, with his mother and siblings, as a refugee from Pakistan.

"I felt that I was in a completely new world. It did feel like a heaven initially," he says.
(left to right) Kumail Jaffry, a man a woman and two children pose for a photo outside
Kumail Jaffry (left) with his family visiting the Sydney Opera House. Source: Supplied / Dr Kumail Jaffry
"But there were some difficulties, like the language.

"I could barely speak any English. So, at school, I always had someone with me in the classroom.

"They would translate and help me understand what's written in English on the board."

Jaffry says it took him one year to pick up conversational English skills.

The journey to studying medicine

While living with family in the Victorian town of Mildura, an accident impacting his younger brother spurred his decision to study medicine.

"On a trip to Adelaide, we stopped to take our traditional hot tea, and unfortunately my little brother spilled boiling water on his lap. As the only one who could speak English then, I quickly searched for the nearest hospital," he says.
"Due to a staffing shortage, we were sent on to Adelaide. And that's where I saw what it's really like working as a doctor.

"They were compassionate, they were giving everything they could do to help treat my brother.

"Even so, my brother was in severe pain, and we were offered some strong drugs. But being new to Australia we said 'no'. So, for the first few days, he had only mild analgesia. And that's when I learned the importance of using the right language."
Kumail Jaffry holding a bunch of flowers in his graduation clothing.
Kumail Jaffry at his graduation. Source: Supplied / Dr Kumail Jaffry.
Jaffry went on to study biomedical science, later graduating with a Bachelor of Medicine from Monash University in 2022.

The importance of communication

Monash Health surgeon Dr James Lim says Jaffry's language skills are vitally important on the wards.

"Many of our patients are anxious when they come to hospital, let alone for surgery," Lim says.

"Some have come from difficult backgrounds, and many who are displaced have faced numerous challenges.
A graph showing the numbers of people who speak a language other than English in Australia.
The number of people in Australia who speak a language other than English at home has grown. Source: SBS News / Lilian Cao
"So, to meet a doctor who can ask about what they are going through in their native language really puts them at ease."

Community engagement

These days Jaffry's language skills are also in demand in the wider community.

"I am also working quite closely with local organisations to provide educational sessions in different languages for our refugee and migrant communities, to improve health literacy and prevention — rather than coming to hospital for us to treat them," he says. 
Kumail Jaffry (left) standing in a hospital corridor with another man
Kumail Jaffry (left) with Rob Koch. Source: SBS News / Scott Cardwell
Dandenong is one of Australia's most culturally diverse areas. According to the local council, 64 per cent of its residents were born overseas, from 157 places of origin. Many have fled conflict and violence, or experienced displacement.

"There are people that have been here for years and are still struggling to understand and engage with the health system. And there are many recent arrivals with high needs," says Rob Koch, senior adviser for community engagement at Monash Health.
Languages other than English spoken in Australia.
Some of the most prevalent languages other than English spoken at home in Australia. Source: SBS News / Lilian Cao
"At times, there can be a delay in getting an interpreter to a patient so a multilingual doctor can address that difficulty in a marvellous way.

"And patients are grateful that Dr Jaffry is able to speak their language and point them in the right direction."
Kumail Jaffry wearing a mask and sitting on a bed. He is facing a patient whose back is turned to the camera.
Kuail Jaffry speaking Dari with a patient. Source: SBS News / Scott Cardwell
"It was clear that he was going to make an impact on people's lives. He had that attitude of wanting to give, wanting to serve."

What's next for this bright young doctor?

Jaffry has his sights set on becoming a colorectal surgeon "to focus on an area of the body which people really feel uncomfortable to share about".

He also hopes to inspire a new generation of migrants and refugees.

"Hopefully my story will show the children of migrants and refugees that yes, it's hard, but there is a lot of support around you," he says.

"So, don’t give up, give back to the community and that will act as a driving force for you to achieve anything in life."

6 min read
Published 21 February 2024 12:00pm
By Sandra Fulloon
Source: SBS News

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