'Thank you all for peeing here': SNL takes aim at Trump press conference

SNL's version of the conference was replete with urine puns.

Baldwin as Trump

Alec Baldwin's Trump holds forth in SNL's recreation of Trump's first press conference. Source: Facebook, NBC

Alec Baldwin's Donald Trump impersonation continues to get mileage on the US late night comedy show, Saturday Night Live, with the program's latest cold open taking aim at the President-elect's .

"I'd like to answer the question that everyone is asking," Baldwin's Trump said. "Yes this is real life, this is really happening."

The skit focused on explosive, uncorroborated claims in an intelligence dossier released last week by Buzzfeed which allege that paying prostitutes to urinate on a bed once slept in by President Obama.  

The conference was replete with urine puns. 

"Thank you all for peeing here," Baldwin's Trump said.

On Sunday night, New York time, Trump responded to the skit on twitter.
Questions in the real press conference, held last Wednesday, revolved around the intelligence dossier, campaign promises, links with Russia and potential conflicts of interest - but it was a which dominated coverage. 

In the SNL version, Baldwin's Trump responded to a question on Congress repealing Obamacare before a replacement plan was legislated. 

"I actually do have a replacement plan," Baldwin's Trump said, "I just read about it this week, it's the Affordable Care Act."

"That's the same thing as Obamacare," the SNL 'journalist' replied, noting that 20 million people could lose coverage, putting them at risk of death.

"Listen, I'm about to be President, we're all going to die," Baldwin's Trump responded.

President-elect Donald Trump - the real one - is set to be inaugurated in a large-scale Washington ceremony this Friday, January 20.

Full SNL Cold-Open

2 min read
Published 16 January 2017 7:30am
Updated 16 January 2017 10:38am
By Ben Winsor

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