Tasmania joins push to ban public display of Nazi and other hate symbols

Tasmania is the fourth state to announce plans to outlaw the use of Nazi symbols as state governments in Victoria, NSW and Queensland pursue changes.

A woman with a ponytail speaks in front of a mike

Tasmanian Attorney-General Elise Archer has condemned the display and sale of Nazi symbols. Source: AAP / ROB BLAKERS/AAPIMAGE

The Tasmanian government will introduce laws to outlaw the display of Nazi symbols. It follows similar pushes in Victoria, NSW and Queensland.

The Tasmanian laws would outlaw symbols, including the swastika, for hate and fear.

They will still be allowed to be displayed for historic or educational purposes while also allowing Hindu and Buddhist groups to use it.
"Our government strongly condemns the display and sale of these symbols when used for hate and fear," Attorney-General Elise Archer said on Sunday.

"This is an issue that is deeply concerning to me as attorney-general as well as many Tasmanians."

Ms Archer will work with community groups to draft the laws while looking at changes proposed in other states.

Victoria is poised to become the first Australian state or territory to ban the public display of the Nazi swastika in a "thunderous blow" to white supremacists.
The Victorian government introduced legislation into parliament on 11 May banning intentional public displays of the symbol across the state.

The Summary Offences Amendment (Nazi Symbol Prohibition) Bill is expected to pass both houses with bi-partisan support and only applies to the Nazi swastika, also known as the Hakenkreuz.

Queensland later announced similar plans. Last year, a Queensland parliamentary committee recommended prohibiting hate symbols, including those representing the Nazi and IS ideologies, after an inquiry into serious vilification and hate crimes.

It's unclear if the premier's bill will cover social media and internet displays of hate symbols, which was also recommended by the committee.
"The committee notes the proliferation of vilifying commentary on various social media platforms and considers that the public nature of social media usage needs to be recognised in the definition of 'public acts' for the purpose of anti-vilification legislation," its report said.

The NSW government is also set to follow suit.

NSW Attorney-General Mark Speakman in April committed to banning waving Nazi flags or displaying memorabilia bearing swastikas following recommendations from a state parliamentary inquiry in February.

2 min read
Published 5 June 2022 10:20am
Source: AAP, SBS

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