Shorten's spending based on hard calls

Bill Shorten has started spending the money he saved through hard decisions on tax credits and negative gearing, and its aimed squarely at middle Australia.

Opposition Leader Bill Shorten

Opposition Leader Bill Shorten is making a direct pitch to middle Australia, where the votes are. (AAP)

The hard yards for federal Labor were done in the past 12 months. Now the spending spree begins.

Bill Shorten unveiled major preschool funding changes, promising to give all three-year-olds at least 15 hours a week.

It's a direct pitch to middle Australia, where the votes are kept.

It's also the sort of middle class welfare John Howard made an art form out of, but with a Labor twist.

"All of the results show that children who are able to get two years of preschool education just do better in school," Shorten told reporters at the kindergarten he went to in 1971.

"The rest of the world has been moving ahead and been implementing universal access for preschool to three-year-olds. What we want to do is give Aussie kids the same chance."

The preschool announcement was the biggest policy call Shorten made this week, but he also promised 10,000 free TAFE courses for early childhood educators.

It's Labor heartland stuff.

There's a reason aspiring Labor leaders aim for the health, education or industrial relations portfolios as they try to build their leadership cases.

The party's membership base prefers its leaders to have been out there campaigning for everyday Aussies to get a better go in life.

The polls say Shorten will be the prime minister after the next election.

"I've got to govern for all Australians," he said, in response to a question about the Trans-Pacific Partnership.

These sorts of policies are the ones that help ensure he will get there.

Shorten is telling middle Australia's mums and dads they can safely vote Labor and their kids will be looked after.

Prime Minister Scott Morrison fired back with the Liberal attack line, about Shorten planning to hike taxes.

"Every time you hear Bill Shorten saying he wants to spend more money, know that you're going to pay for it with higher taxes," he told reporters.

He's not wrong - but Labor has been careful about where those extra taxes are coming from.

They've spent most of the past year making tough decisions to crack down on some of the rorts left over in the federal budget for years.

With the hard-sell policies out of the way, Labor has a clear run to the election with money to spend.

Only true budget nerds or people with huge stock portfolios were aware of the dividend imputation credit refund scheme.

It allowed people to claim cash handouts from the government if the tax credits that came with their dividend payments were more than what they owed the tax office.

No other country in the world has copied this scheme - for good reason.

Labor will end it.

Similarly, Labor is going after one of the biggest reasons young Aussies can't afford homes.

"We have made hard decisions including changes to negative gearing," Labor frontbencher Anthony Albanese told the Nine Network on Friday.

"The negative gearing measures won't impact on the housing market in terms of any bad effects.

"What it will do is do what negative gearing was designed to do, which is to encourage new supply, because negative gearing will still be available for new housing, and also, of course, it is grandfathered, so it won't impact anyone's current investment."

So it's not all good news for young Australians.

The people who got rich using a tax break designed to help people who already have homes will get to keep it, while younger people will be locked out.

But at least it will make it harder for future investors to hugely outbid first homebuyers looking to get into the market.

Another one for the nerds, but an important one - Shorten is also going after discretionary trusts, which is a financial trick people can use to limit how much tax they pay.

And Shorten held firm on his opposition to corporate tax cuts for big companies.

Those decisions have given Labor a boatload of money to pay for promises to voters.

Preschool is just the start, there is more to come. Shorten made the hard calls, now the easy part is spending it.

4 min read
Published 5 October 2018 11:42am
Source: AAP

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