Same-sex marriage survey begins as new poll finds 70 per cent support for ‘Yes’

The first survey forms for the voluntary survey on same-sex marriage will be delivered today, as the Australian Bureau of Statistics begins its staggered mail-out.

The ABS same-sex marriage survey form

The ABS same-sex marriage survey form Source: ABS

Around 600,000 forms will be delivered to Australian households today.

By September 25, all 16 million enrolled Australians should have received their forms.

It asks for a simple Yes or No answer to the question: “Should the law be changed to allow same-sex couples to marry?”

The hard deadline to return the form is November 7, but the ABS “encourages you to return this form straight away”.

The result of the survey will be announced on November 15. In the event of a ‘Yes’ result, the Turnbull government has promised it will quickly move to hold a free vote in parliament, where a bill to legalise same-sex marriage would be expected to pass.
ABS marriage survey form
Source: ABS

Poll shows most Australians intend to vote, and vote yes

A new Fairfax/Ipsos poll released on Tuesday suggests some 65 percent of those surveyed are “certain” to complete the postal survey.

Of those who intend to vote, 70 percent said they would vote ‘Yes’.

Some 1,400 voters were surveyed between Wednesday and Saturday last week for the poll.

The 70 percent support matches the result in a similar poll one year earlier.

- with AAP

1 min read
Published 12 September 2017 6:16am
Updated 12 September 2017 7:39pm
By James Elton-Pym

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