Resettlement of more than 1,200 refugees under US deal set to be completed by end of year

Australia's plan to resettle 1,250 refugees in the United States could be completed by the end of this year, a federal parliamentary committee has been told.

Protesters are seen holding placards calling for the release of refugees.

Protesters calling for justice for refugees and asylum seekers rally at Belmore Park in Sydney, on Sunday, 28, 2021. Source: AAP / Joel Carrett

Australia is expected to complete its resettlement deal for 1,250 refugees with the United States by the end of the year.

Nearly 1,000 refugees have already been resettled in the US under the deal as of January this year, a Senate estimates committee has been told.

A further 230 people had received notification of their provisional approval for resettlement but had yet to leave.

Those covered by the deal include refugees remaining on Nauru as well as others who have been evacuated to Australia to receive medical treatment.

Department official Marc Ablong said small groups of the cohort continued to depart to the United States under the resettlement deal.

"It’s our expectation that that will be reached during this calendar year," he told the hearing.

"There are so many variable factors that I wouldn’t give you a specific date — or even month."
Park Hotel AAP.jpg
Refugees are seen inside the Park Hotel quarantine facility on 6 January 2022. Credit: AAP
The was signed in 2016 between then prime minister Malcolm Turnbull and then US president Barack Obama to transfer 1,250 asylum seekers left in limbo in Australian detention facilities to the US.

Of the group being considered for third-country resettlement, there are 112 people in Nauru and 1,175 in Australia, according to the department.

Another group of refugees would depart for the US later this month, officials said.

Further, small groups of refugees are expected to depart later this year, although the timing is dependent on final medical and health checks.

It was also revealed that 31 transitory people remained in detention settings in Australia.
Some 19 people being held in detention , including several at Melbourne's Park Hotel, which came to prominence in January after tennis star Novak Djokovic was detained there.

Of the 31 still being held, 25 were being considered for release.

Greens senator Nick McKim, a member of the Senate estimates committee, said on Twitter that the government should go further.

"This will leave just six or so in detention. Free them all now," he said.
A further 49 refugees had been resettled in countries other than the US, such as Canada, the committee heard.

Australia recently signed a refugee resettlement deal with New Zealand, which would see that country take in 150 refugees a year for three years.

The total resettlement quota would be 450 people.

But Home Affairs Minister Karen Andrews made clear the arrangement would "not apply to anyone who attempts any illegal maritime arrival or journey to Australia in the future".

Mr Ablong said the timeline for this deal to progress was dependent on authorities in New Zealand.

"We will support and assist them to examine the case files for the individuals and support the UNHCR in those referral processes," he said.

The refugees initially considered for resettlement will include those in Nauru or who are temporarily in Australia under regional processing arrangements.

Mr Ablong added that those considered for the US deal would not be eligible for resettlement in New Zealand.

"If you’re in the US resettlement program - you are not considered for the New Zealand resettlement program," he said.

3 min read
Published 4 April 2022 1:03pm
Source: SBS, AAP


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