Pope Francis reveals why he didn’t want faithful kissing his ring

It was the awkward moment seen around the world - Pope Francis, desperate to avoid having the faithful kiss the papal ring.

Pope Francis moves his hand as a pilgrim tries to kiss his ring, in Loreto, Italy.

Pope Francis moves his hand as a pilgrim tries to kiss his ring, in Loreto, Italy. Source: AP

Pope Francis tries to stop people kissing his ring because he fears it could spread germs, the Vatican said Thursday in response to a

The incident was captured Monday during a visit to the Italian hill town of Loreto where the 82-year-old greeted dozens of parishioners.

While some simply bowed their head and shook his hand, others leaned forward to kiss his ring. 

The smiling pope can be seen pulling back his hand repeatedly.
Pope Francis moves his hand as a pilgrim tries to kiss his ring, in Loreto, Italy.
Pope Francis moves his hand as a pilgrim tries to kiss his ring, in Loreto, Italy. Source: AP
"The pope told me the reason he did not allow people to kiss his ring was because of hygiene... to avoid contagion when there are long queues of people," Vatican spokesman Alessandro Gisotti said Thursday.

"Personally, he likes to embrace people."

The video was shared online and had gained more than 11 million views on the Twitter social media platform by Thursday afternoon.
The pontiff has cleared the matter up, however - saying he was trying to avoid germs and prefers an embrace.
The pontiff has cleared the matter up, however - saying he was trying to avoid germs and prefers an embrace. Source: SBS News
The scene in Loreto drew criticism from conservative Catholic observers who also frequently attack the pope over what they consider his too liberal approach to social issues.

However, it has since emerged that the video was only a short version of a longer clip, which shows the pontiff patiently letting people kiss his ring at first before the queues grew longer.

Nonetheless, the incident has sparked a public debate over decorum during a papal meet and greet.

The Vatican advises worshippers not to bend the knee in front of Francis who is said not to appreciate the practice.

2 min read
Published 29 March 2019 6:25am
Updated 29 March 2019 6:41am
Source: AFP, SBS

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