NSW bans gay 'conversion practices' in a move that will 'save lives'

The laws passed the NSW upper house after a marathon sitting and will criminalise so-called conversion practices with a penalty of up to five years in jail.

Sydney Opera House lit up with a light projection of rainbow colours.

So-called gay conversion therapy is now banned in NSW. Source: AAP / Dean Lewins

The top line: A ban on so-called gay conversion practices has been welcomed by LGBTIQ+ advocates after laws cleared the NSW parliament on Friday.

The bigger picture: The state has joined , , and the in banning the so-called therapy. Meanwhile, South Australia and Tasmania are considering similar moves.

The laws, opposed by some religious groups, criminalise conversion practices, with a penalty of up to five years in jail.

NSW Attorney-General Michael Daley says the new laws won't ban teachings from religious leaders on the expression of religious beliefs through sermons.

The laws passed the upper house following an all-night sitting.
The key quote: "This law will save countless people from a lifetime of pain and in some cases save lives." — Anna Brown, Equality Australia CEO.

What else to know: Religious leaders will still be able to tell a group that their faith believes being homosexual or queer is wrong, but directing any actions to change a person's sexuality of gender identity could result in arrest.

What happens now: The new laws will come into effect in 12 months.

LGBTIQ+ Australians seeking support with mental health can contact QLife on 1800 184 527 or visit 

also has a list of support services.

2 min read
Published 22 March 2024 3:57pm
Source: AAP, SBS

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