Novak Djokovic has returned to Australia. Will the public welcome him back?

The Serbian tennis player was deported from Australia in January 2022. Almost a year later, he says is ready to move on.

Novak Djokovic sitting down beside tennis court in Adelaide

Novak Djokovic told reporters in Adelaide that while he can't ever forget his deportation 12 months ago, he now feels "great" in Australia. Source: AAP / Matt Turner

Key Points
  • Novak Djokovic was deported from Australia over his COVID-19 vaccination status.
  • His three-year ban was later overturned, and this week he returned to Australia for the 2023 tournament.
  • On Wednesday, Djokovic said while he cannot forget the ordeal, he is eager to move on.
Novak Djokovic landed in Australia last week to play in the 2023 Australian Open after missing last year's event and being deported.

The debacle and controversial decision made headlines around the world, sparked protests and amplified debates about vaccine mandates.

Now tournament organisers and Djokovic are optimistic of a "great summer" ahead and support from fans at the 2023 tournament, but is Australia ready to welcome him back?

What happened in 2022?

In January 2022, Djokovic arrived in Melbourne ahead of the Australian Open, but was placed in immigration detention and eventually had his visa cancelled due to

Then-immigration minister Alex Hawke used special powers to cancel Djokovic's visa, saying it was in the public interest because the Serbian tennis star was a "talisman of anti-vaccination sentiment" and that his presence might incite "civil unrest".

He was initially given a three-year ban from returning to the country, but was
Australian Open tournament director Craig Tiley said he hopes fans will welcome Djokovic.

"I have a great deal of confidence in the Australian public," Mr Tiley said.

"We're a very well-educated sporting public, particularly those who come to the tennis, they love their tennis, they love seeing greatness, they love seeing great athleticism, great matches.

"And I have a lot of confidence that the fans will react like we hope they would react and have respect for that."

On Thursday, Djokovic - who has won the Australian Open nine times - told reporters while he can't ever forget the events that transpired 12 months ago, he feels "great" in Australia.
"It was ... something that I've never experienced before and hopefully never again. But it is a valuable life experience for me and something that, as I said, will stay there, but I have to move on," he said.

"I always felt great in Australia. I've played my best tennis here, and received a lot of support, so hopefully I can have another great summer."

How do Serbian Australian tennis fans feel?

For many Serbian-Australian tennis fans, their star's visa debacle was a frustrating turn of events.

Andrei Trickovic lives in Melbourne, and says while he usually enjoys tennis, he opted not to watch the 2022 event due to Australia's treatment of Djokovic.

"I think the viewership would have gone down ... I didn't watch it, and (the reason) I didn't watch it because they didn't let Novak play," he said.
"After saying he was allowed to come here, he did everything correctly and legally, even a judge said everything was fine, and then when it was overturned by the immigration minister ... I know a lot of other fans who didn't watch either."

Throughout the debacle in January, Serbian fans showed their support for Djokovic by outside his lawyer's office in Melbourne and the Park Hotel where he was detained.

Mr Trickovic told SBS News while he believes most Serbian Australians support Djokovic, there may be a mixed reaction from other Australians at this year's tournament.
Australia Open Djokovic Hotel
A protester holds a banner outside the Park Hotel calling for the release of refugees being detained inside the hotel in Melbourne, Australia, Saturday, 8 January, 2022. Source: AAP, AP / Hamish Blair
"In the Serbian community, there was support for Novak, but I didn't feel it anywhere else in any other demographic in Australia when it became politicised," he said.

"I feel like for people who already didn't like him, now this has given him a reason to like him even less," he said.

What about the asylum seekers Djokovic was detained alongside?

Djokovic's detention also shone the global spotlight on and Australia's immigration detention policies.

At the time, in the hotel, who had previously reported finding maggots and mould in food, and said they had no access to gym facilities or washing machines following a fire.
The asylum seekers were released in the months that followed, with Djokovic expressing his support.

"They haven't done anything wrong, and they are asylum seekers and stayed for nine years," he said.

"That's something I obviously did not understand why - but if I brought some light to that situation in a positive way for them, for this to happen, then of course I'm very happy, because they got another chance in different country."

What has the reaction been?

Australia's COVID-19 restrictions look very different today than they did in January 2022.

Australia has since and no longer requires incoming travellers to be vaccinated against COVID-19 or provide a negative COVID-19 test.

Rafael Nadal, who won the tournament when Djokovic was absent in 2022, was questioned over his rival's return on Wednesday.

"Novak is here. Good for tennis, good for probably the fans," Nadal said.

"Let's see, no? Best players on court always win."

5 min read
Published 2 January 2023 5:29am
By Jessica Bahr
Source: SBS News

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