Michael Moore kicked out of Trump Tower

Sercret Service agents have stopped filmmaker Michael Moore from getting to the office of US president-elect Donald Trump in the Trump Tower.


Michael Moore. (Jemal Countess)

Filmmaker Michael Moore entered the Trump Tower in Manhattan to talk to United States president-elect Donald Trump, however he was prevented from reaching his office by the Secret Service.

"Mr. Trump. I'm here! I want to talk to you," the controversial director scribbled in a short note for the New York real estate magnate, during a protest on Saturday in front of the building, in which hundreds of people took part.

Moore, who recorded the scene on his mobile phone and retransmitted it live though Facebook Live, entered the building and made it up to the fourth floor before being stopped by the Secret Service.

He also advocated doing away with the Electoral College because he claimed it was ironic that 240 years after its creation to pacify slave owners, a racist was going to become president without having obtained the majority of the popular vote.

The Trump Towers, where Donald Trump lives and has his offices, has special security measures since Thursday following the demonstrations that took place late on Wednesday.

Weeks before the presidential elections on November 8, Moore released the film Michael Moore in TrumpLand, which revolves around the real estate magnate and is based on a play written by the director himself.

In the film, Moore dives directly into the "hostile territory" at the heart of Trump-land a little before the elections.

Moore was among the more than 100 musicians and artists, mostly from Hollywood, who during the campaign signed an open letter "United Against Hate" to prevent Trump from reaching the White House.

2 min read
Published 13 November 2016 7:44pm
Updated 13 November 2016 7:54pm
Source: AAP

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