'I got it wrong': Baird on dogs backflip

NSW Premier Mike Baird has reversed his ban on greyhound racing after months of intense industry pressure and opposition, saying "he got it wrong".

Greyhound dogs race at the Wentworth Park stadium

File image of greyhound racing (AAP) Source: AAP

NSW Premier Mike Baird has performed an extraordinary backflip on his greyhound racing ban, saying he and his government "got it wrong".

Mr Baird confirmed plans to reverse the controversial ban following cabinet and party room meetings on Tuesday, instead promising to introduce stronger regulations for the industry, including harsher penalties for animal cruelty.

"In hindsight as we reflect on this we got it wrong," Mr Baird told reporters in Sydney.

"I got it wrong.Cabinet got it wrong. The government got it wrong," .

Mr Baird and his deputy Troy Grant have faced an unrelenting campaign waged by opponents since announcing the divisive ban three months ago.
In August, Mr Baird said the ban, under which greyhound racing would end in NSW from next July, wasn't about political point scoring but that he was trying to "do what is right".

"We chose a course that we believed was right," Mr Baird said.

He said the decision to reverse the ban had come after listening to feedback from the industry.

"We did not give the good people in the industry the chance to respond, a chance to reform," he said.

"On behalf of that, I am sorry. That is something we should have done."

He said a new body will be set up to govern and regulate the industry and will be chaired by former NSW premier Morris Iemma.
Mr Baird added his personal thoughts on animal cruelty had not changed.

"The greyhound industry will be given that one last chance," he said.

"The barbaric practices we have seen have to end."

The premier acknowledged his decision would disappoint a lot of people.

The ban, announced in July, came after a Special Commission of Inquiry report that found up to 68,000 "uncompetitive" greyhounds were slaughtered in the past 12 years and nearly one in five trainers used live animal baits.

Tuesday's extraordinary policy backflip has spared Mr Grant from an expected leadership challenge from disgruntled Nationals MPs.

Mr Grant side-stepped questions over his role as NSW Nationals leader during the past three months.

Nationals MPs Katrina Hodgkinson, Kevin Humphries and Chris Gulaptis - who consistently argued the ban would devastate their regional electorates - crossed the floor to vote with Labor to oppose the bill but it passed following a 12-hour debate in August.

"I did my job according to the information and evidence before us. I did that in good faith and honestly the entirety of the way," Mr Grant told reporters in Sydney.
 NSW Premier Mike Baird speaks to the media as Deputy Premier Troy Grant (left) watches on, in Sydney, Tuesday, Oct. 11, 2016.
NSW Premier Mike Baird speaks to the media as Deputy Premier Troy Grant (left) watches on, in Sydney, Tuesday, Oct. 11, 2016. (AAP) Source: AAP
He denied the backflip was to save his political skin.

The premier was grilled by reporters on whether his falling popularity had played a part in the decision.

The premier's approval rate has plunged from 61 to 39 per cent since December due to a raft of issues, including the ban on greyhound racing and Sydney's "lockout" laws.

"I'm not guided by the polls, I'm guided by the feedback I have received, our MPs have received directly and indirectly but they also say 'Do you think the industry should be given one last chance?' ... and there is a majority view on that."

Earlier in the day NSW Greens upper house MP Mehreen Faruqi accused the premier of political cowardice.

"We should have known better than to trust that he would put animal welfare above his own political interests," she said.

Opposition to backflip

Animals Australia Chief Investigator Lyn White criticised the reversal, calling the criticism of Premier Baird’s proposal a “new low in Australian politics”.

“The politicians who pressured Premier Baird to overturn this ban are set to have sleepless nights,” she said.

“Their political destinies are now wedded to an industry whose sense of right and wrong went missing decades ago.

“To see a state premier crucified for making a courageous and correct decision based on the findings of a former High Court judge, is a new low in Australian politics.

Ms White claimed the backflip was a win for the industry.

“The anti-ban politicians have breathed life into an industry that a Special Commission of Inquiry concluded was unable to reform in the short to medium term,” she said.

“They have allied themselves with an industry where criminal behaviour was commonplace.”

Mr Baird said he was prepared for that reaction.

"The people will call me all types of names. They will criticise me for getting it wrong. That's human. I'm human."

4 min read
Published 11 October 2016 1:40pm
Updated 11 October 2016 9:25pm
Source: AAP

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