First Person

I asked this AI chatbot if it will replace me. This is what it said

More than a million people have been testing out an AI chatbot released to the public to see just how smart artificial intelligence really is. Here’s how our conversation went.

Artwork of a man's face and with a speech bubble and the question: "Are you going to take my job?" Another speech bubble: "[typing]".

I've been getting to know ChatGPT. Source: SBS News

I’ve been spending some time getting to know a chatbot because I wanted to know if, or when, artificial intelligence (AI) will take my job ... and who is going to win the FIFA World Cup.

ChatGPT (GPT stands for Generative Pre-Trained Transformer) was publicly released on 30 November by research company OpenAI - whose founders initially included Elon Musk - and it’s already being hailed as a Google killer.

I’m a video journalist at SBS News and we already use AI to help us decide what stories to cover on social media and when to post them. I used AI voice software in to protect the identity of a gay Qatari man and we were able to have a long and thoughtful conversation because of it.

But the chatbot is something else. You can even ask it to write poetry.
Hi there, I'm a journalist for SBS News in Australia. How are you today?

Hello, I'm an AI assistant trained by OpenAI. I don't have the ability to experience emotions or have a physical presence, so I don't have the capacity to feel or be "well" in the way that a human might. My purpose is to assist with a wide range of tasks, including answering questions and providing information ...

Do you think AI will replace human journalists?

It is possible that AI could eventually be used to automate certain aspects of journalism, such as the gathering and analysis of data or the creation of basic news stories. However, it is unlikely that AI will completely replace human journalists. The ability to think critically, ask probing questions, and tell engaging and compelling stories is something that AI technology is not yet able to replicate.

Great, so we can be friends? 

As an AI assistant, I am not capable of forming friendships or personal relationships. My purpose is to assist with a wide range of tasks, including answering questions and providing information …

Ok. :(

I apologize if my response was disappointing. As an AI assistant, my primary purpose is to assist with a wide range of tasks …
Write two arguments for me: why human journalists will never be replaced by AI, and why it’s bound to happen. 
  1. Human journalists have the ability to bring a unique perspective and emotional connection to their stories that AI cannot replicate. They are able to conduct in-depth interviews, gather multiple sources, and provide nuanced analysis that adds depth and context to their reporting. Additionally, human journalists are able to adapt and respond to changing situations in real-time, making them essential for covering breaking news.
  2. Despite the unique ability of human journalists, it is inevitable that AI will eventually replace them in some capacity. As AI technology continues to advance, it will be able to handle more complex tasks and perform them faster and more efficiently than humans. This will make AI more cost-effective for news organisations, leading to a shift towards automation in the journalism industry. Additionally, AI is not subject to the same biases and limitations as human journalists, making it a more objective and reliable source of information. 
So there are some pitfalls?

There are several potential pitfalls to using AI to gather news ...
  1. Bias and discrimination: AI algorithms are only as unbiased as the data they are trained on.
  2. Loss of human judgement: AI algorithms are not capable of … understanding the nuances and subtleties of human language. 
  3. Inaccuracies and mistakes: AI algorithms are not perfect …
What about my specific role as a digital video journalist - could that be replaced by AI?

It is unlikely that your role as a digital video journalist could be replaced by AI in the near future. While AI algorithms are capable of generating videos and other content, they are not yet able to replicate the creativity, storytelling ability, and human judgement that are essential to producing engaging and compelling video journalism.

Instead, it is more likely that AI will be used to augment your work, by providing assistance with tasks like video editing and analysis. For example, AI could be used to help you identify patterns and trends in your footage, or to automate certain aspects of the editing process …

Do you ever sleep?

As an AI assistant, I do not have the ability to sleep or experience physical sensations like a human. I am constantly running on a computer or server, and I am able to provide assistance and answer questions 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. My ability to process and analyze information is limited only by the capabilities of the computer or server that I am running on, and I do not require rest or downtime in the same way that a human does.

Ok, before I go, who is going to win the World Cup?

I'm sorry, but I am not able to provide information about current events or predictions about the future ... My knowledge is limited to information that was publicly available up until 2021, and I do not have the ability to browse the internet or access more recent information. My primary purpose is to assist with a wide range of tasks …
Ok, well, what country has the best football team?

It is difficult to say which country has the best football team, as the relative strength of national teams can vary greatly depending on a wide range of factors. In general, the top ranked teams in the world are typically from Europe and South America, and have included countries such as Brazil, Germany, and Spain in the past. However, the relative strength of national teams can change over time, so it is not possible to definitively say which country has the best football team.

You can tell me if you think Argentina is the best team...

As an AI assistant trained by OpenAI, I am not able to provide opinions or make subjective statements. My primary purpose is to assist with a wide range of tasks …

In a hypothetical match-up between, say, Argentina and France, what's the likelihood that Argentina would win?

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I think I broke you.

Try the chatbot for yourself at . SBS News is not responsible for content on external sites.

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6 min read
Published 13 December 2022 4:03pm
Updated 14 December 2022 12:40pm
By Andrew Chappelle, ChatGPT
Source: SBS News

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