Staff at a Minnesota Walmart called the police to remove two shoppers after they arrived wearing swastika face masks.
The 59-year-old man and 64-year-old woman were shopping in the Marshall, Minnesota Walmart on the weekend when they were spotted by another customer who posted the footage to Facebook.
The pair were apparently using the masks to protest Minnesota’s mask mandate, which took effect on Saturday.
“If you vote for Biden, you’re going to be living in Nazi Germany,” the woman with the swastika mask says in the video, which went viral.
The store workers called the police on the couple, who arrived and issued trespass notices saying they could be arrested if they tried to return to the store.
According to the Star Tribune newspaper, charges were not pressed and the couple left without incident.
The woman who posted the video on Facebook Raphaela Mueller, who is of German ancestry, said she was shocked by the incident.
“It’s been shown that, biologically, trauma passes down through the generations in your DNA,” she said.
“My immediate physical reaction was nausea and wanting to cry, so I can’t imagine what that must feel like for other people who lost family members in the Holocaust.”
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