Afghan team pioneer a new path for women in football

A football team made up of Afghan refugee girls are set on bringing down the barriers for Muslim girls in sport.

ACE FC team

Source: SBS

Sixteen-year-old Maryam Anvari came to Australia from Afghanistan two years ago.

She'd never played sport of any kind, until she joined.

"Afghan girls usually dont play sports but they can, they can do it, they can play as well as other girls can do it," she said.

ACE FC is a team of mainly Afghan Muslim girls, mostly former refugees. All are highly skilled.

Anvari said she often gets approached by coaches after they see her play.

"When I play in tournaments they come to me and ask, 'do you want to play for us?' but I say, 'no, I already have a team, sorry.'"

A team that is more like a family to most of the girls.

Captain and goal keeper Sahara Khan said their shared heritage makes them a close unit, but not closed off to new members.

"We all have a same history, same background story. But we do have one Papua New Guinean girl and she's my school friend. She's starting to learn a little Dari," she said.

But the team has had its struggles on and off the pitch.

Coach Shukrullah Hazara said it took some convincing to get the more traditional Afghan parents to agree to the idea of a girl's football team.
Coaches Ali Reza Haidari and Shukrullah Hazara
Coaches Ali Reza Haidari and Shukrullah Hazara Source: SBS
"When I approached the parents they said, 'Girls soccer? Are you sure?' I said, 'Yeah they can do it!' And once they come here and see the girls they like it."

The club asks no fees of its members, with the coaching team often paying for equipment and tournaments from their own pockets.

Coach Ali Reza Haidari said the girls have already had to overcome cultural barriers, ACE FC don't want financial ones to be a problem as well.

"None of them pay even one dollar, they just come here and train and we do the best for them to help them."
Afghan community leaders have thrown their support behind the team
Afghan community leaders have thrown their support behind the team Source: SBS

Afghan community leader Hussain Danesh said he's pleased the next generation of Afghan girls have the opportunity to play football.

"The young girls have a lot of abilities but so far haven't had much support to be involved in sport," he said. "I'm hoping with support they can progress well."

The team started in 2015 with just a handful of members, now ACE FC has over 30 players turning up to training twice a week.

While most have no history in the sport there's high hopes for their future.
ACE FC in training
ACE FC in training Source: SBS
Captain Sahara Khan said she's determined to pioneer a new path for girls like her.

"I want to be known to people as a Muslim girl playing soccer, someone who breaks barriers," she said.

The team is hoping to raise enough funds to attend a tournament in Sydney next month, and show the rest of Australia Afghan girls play sport and they play it well.

3 min read
Published 11 November 2016 3:26pm
Updated 11 November 2016 10:53pm
By Abby Dinham

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