İçişleri Bakanlığı Çarşamba günü yaptığı açıklamada göçmen alımlarında 'Nitelikli Meslekler Listesi’ndeki değişiklikleri açıkladı.
Altı aylık güncelleme, 2017 sonlarında Meslekler ve Küçük İşletmeler Bakanlığı tarafından yapılan incelemenin ardından gerçekleştirildi.
Bakanlık ayrıca, 2018 Mart ayında yeni Geçici Meslekler İhtiyaç Vizesi (Temporary Skills Shortage Visa) adı altında yeni bir vizeyi yürürlüğe girmesiyle, yeni bir bölgesel meslek listesi düzenlendiğini açıkladı.
17 Ocak 2018 tarihinde yürürlüğe giren Avustralya vize programlarına uygun "Nitelikli Meslek Listeleri'nde yapılan değişiklikler şöyle:
Kısa Dönemli Nitelikli Meslekler Listesi (STSOL) - Short-term Skilled Occupation List
Eklenen Meslekler
Her iki listede yer almayan 3 meslek bu yıl STSOL listesine eklendi.
- Gayri Menkül Yöneticisi (Property Manager)
- Gayrimenkul Satış Temsilcisi (Real Estate Representative)
- Psikoterapist (Psychotherapist)
Çıkarılan Meslekler
Kısa Dönemli Nitelikli Meslekler Listesi’nden (STSOL) çıkarılıp Nitelikli Meslekler Listesi’ne (MTLSSL) eklenenler
- At Yetiştiriciliği (Horse Breeder)
- Yönetim Danışmanlığı (Management Consultant)
Listelerden Çıkarılan Meslekler
2018 yılı Nitelikli Meslekler Listesinden iki meslek tamamen çıkarıldı.
- İnşaat Alanı yöneticisi ( Building Associate)
- Kuaför veya Güzellik Salonu Yöneticisi (Hair or Beauty Salon Manager)
Yeni/Tekrar Listeye Giren Meslekler
Aşagıda yer alan 6 meslek listed kalmaya devam ederken her meslekğin kendine özel bazı şartlar altında işleme tabi tutulacağı belirtildi.
- Konaklama Müdürü (Accommodation and Hospitality Managers)
- Yönetici Muhasebecisi (Management Accountant)
- Masaj Terapisti (Massage Therapist)
- İşe Alım Danışmanı (Recruitment Consultant)
- Tedarik ve Dağıtım Müdürü (Supply and Distribution Manager)
- Vergi Muhasebecisi (Taxation Accountant)
Mart 2018'de Yürürlüğe Girecek Yeni Bölgesel Nitelikli Meslekler Listesi
Geçici ve kalıcı vizeler için meslek listelerine ilişkin güncellemeler 17 Ocak 2018 tarihinden itibaren yürürlüğe girecek.
Bu değişiklikler, Avustralya iş dünyasının ihtiyacını karşılamak için yapılmıştı. Avustralya iş dünyasının ihtiyacı Avustralyalılar tarafından karşılanamadığı anlarda Avustralya iş dünyasını desteklemek amacıyla yürürlüğe girecek.
İçişleri Bakanlığının internet sayfasında “Nitelikli Meslekler Listesi’nin her 6 ayda bir değiştirilmesi federal hükümet tarafından 2017 yılının Nisan ayında Avustralya İş dünyasının değişen ihtiyaçlarını karşılamak amacıyla düzenlenmektedir ancak Avustralya hükümeti için öncelik her zaman Avustralyalı işçilerinindir” denildi.
Occupation | ANZSCO Code | List | Visa subclasses (streams or type) | Assessing Authority |
Accommodation & Hospitality Managers (nec)*** | 141999 | STSOL | 186 (DE), 190, 407, 457, 489 (S/T) | VETASSESS |
Accountant (General)*** | 221111 | MLTSSL | 186 (DE), 189 (PT), 190, 407, 457, 485 (GW), 489 (F), 489 (S/T) | CAANZ/CPAA/IPA |
Actuary | 224111 | MLTSSL | 186 (DE), 189 (PT), 190, 407, 457, 485 (GW), 489 (F), 489 (S/T) | VETASSESS |
Acupuncturist | 252211 | STSOL | 186 (DE), 190, 407, 457, 489 (S/T) | Chinese Medicine Board of Australia |
Advertising Manager | 131113 | STSOL | 186 (DE), 190, 407, 457, 489 (S/T) | AIM |
Advertising Specialist*** | 225111 | STSOL | 186 (DE), 190, 407, 457, 489 (S/T) | VETASSESS |
Aeronautical Engineer | 233911 | MLTSSL | 186 (DE), 189 (PT), 190, 407, 457, 485 (GW), 489 (F), 489 (S/T) | Engineers Australia |
Aeroplane Pilot*** | 231111 | STSOL | 186 (DE), 190, 407, 457, 489 (S/T) | CASA |
Agricultural Consultant | 234111 | MLTSSL | 186 (DE), 189 (PT), 190, 407, 457, 485 (GW), 489 (F), 489 (S/T) | VETASSESS |
Agricultural Engineer | 233912 | MLTSSL | 186 (DE), 189 (PT), 190, 407, 457, 485 (GW), 489 (F), 489 (S/T) | Engineers Australia |
Agricultural Scientist | 234112 | MLTSSL | 186 (DE), 189 (PT), 190, 407, 457, 485 (GW), 489 (F), 489 (S/T) | VETASSESS |
Agricultural Technician*** | 311111 | STSOL | 186 (DE), 407, 457, 489 (S/T) | VETASSESS |
Airconditioning & Mechanical Services Plumber | 334112 | MLTSSL | 186 (DE), 189 (PT), 190, 407, 457, 485 (GW), 489 (F), 489 (S/T) | TRA |
Airconditioning & Refrigeration Mechanic | 342111 | MLTSSL | 186 (DE), 189 (PT), 190, 407, 457, 485 (GW), 489 (F), 489 (S/T) | TRA |
Aircraft Maintenance Engineer (Avionics) | 323111 | STSOL | 186 (DE), 190, 407, 457, 489 (S/T) | TRA |
Aircraft Maintenance Engineer (Mechanical) | 323112 | STSOL | 186 (DE), 190, 407, 457, 489 (S/T) | TRA |
Aircraft Maintenance Engineer (Structures) | 323113 | STSOL | 186 (DE), 190, 407, 457, 489 (S/T) | TRA |
Ambulance Officer | 411111 | STSOL | 186 (DE), 190, 407, 457, 489 (S/T) | VETASSESS |
Anaesthetic Technician | 311211 | STSOL | 186 (DE), 190, 407, 457, 489 (S/T) | VETASSESS |
Anaesthetist | 253211 | STSOL | 186 (DE), 190, 407, 457, 489 (S/T) | Medical Board of Australia |
Analyst Programmer | 261311 | MLTSSL | 186 (DE), 189 (PT), 190, 407, 457, 485 (GW), 489 (F), 489 (S/T) | ACS |
Animal Attendants & Trainers (nec)*** | 361199 | STSOL | 186 (DE), 190, 407, 457, 489 (S/T) | VETASSESS |
Apiarist*** | 121311 | STSOL | 186 (DE), 407, 457, 489 (S/T) | VETASSESS |
Aquaculture Farmer*** | 121111 | STSOL | 186 (DE), 407, 457, 489 (S/T) | VETASSESS |
Arborist | 362212 | STSOL | 186 (DE), 190, 407, 457, 489 (S/T) | TRA |
Architect | 232111 | MLTSSL | 186 (DE), 189 (PT), 190, 407, 457, 485 (GW), 489 (F), 489 (S/T) | AACA |
Architectural Draftsperson | 312111 | STSOL | 186 (DE), 190, 407, 457, 489 (S/T) | VETASSESS |
Architectural, Building & Surveying Technicians (nec) | 312199 | STSOL | 186 (DE), 190, 407, 457, 489 (S/T) | VETASSESS |
Art Teacher (Private Tuition) | 249211 | STSOL | 186 (DE), 190, 407, 457, 489 (S/T) | VETASSESS |
Artistic Director | 212111 | STSOL | 186 (DE), 190, 407, 457, 489 (S/T) | VETASSESS |
Arts Administrator or Manager | 139911 | STSOL | 186 (DE), 190, 407, 457, 489 (S/T) | VETASSESS |
Audiologist | 252711 | MLTSSL | 186 (DE), 189 (PT), 190, 407, 457, 485 (GW), 489 (F), 489 (S/T) | VETASSESS |
Automotive Electrician | 321111 | MLTSSL | 186 (DE), 189 (PT), 190, 407, 457, 485 (GW), 489 (F), 489 (S/T) | TRA |
Baker*** | 351111 | STSOL | 186 (DE), 190, 407, 457, 489 (S/T) | TRA |
Barrister | 271111 | MLTSSL | 186 (DE), 189 (PT), 190, 407, 457, 485 (GW), 489 (F), 489 (S/T) | a legal admissions authority of a State or Territory |
Beef Cattle Farmer*** | 121312 | STSOL | 186 (DE), 407, 457, 489 (S/T) | VETASSESS |
Biochemist | 234513 | MLTSSL | 186 (DE), 407, 457 | VETASSESS |
Biomedical Engineer | 233913 | MLTSSL | 186 (DE), 189 (PT), 190, 407, 457, 485 (GW), 489 (F), 489 (S/T) | Engineers Australia |
Biotechnologist | 234514 | MLTSSL | 186 (DE), 407, 457 | VETASSESS |
Boat Builder & Repairer | 399111 | MLTSSL | 186 (DE), 189 (PT), 190, 407, 457, 485 (GW), 489 (F), 489 (S/T) | TRA |
Book or Script Editor | 212212 | STSOL | 186 (DE), 190, 407, 457, 489 (S/T) | VETASSESS |
Botanist | 234515 | MLTSSL | 186 (DE), 407, 457 | VETASSESS |
Bricklayer | 331111 | MLTSSL | 186 (DE), 189 (PT), 190, 407, 457, 485 (GW), 489 (F), 489 (S/T) | TRA |
Building Inspector | 312113 | STSOL | 186 (DE), 190, 407, 457, 489 (S/T) | VETASSESS |
Business Machine Mechanic | 342311 | STSOL | 186 (DE), 190, 407, 457, 489 (S/T) | TRA |
Butcher or Smallgoods Maker | 351211 | STSOL | 186 (DE), 190, 407, 457, 489 (S/T) | TRA |
Cabinetmaker | 394111 | MLTSSL | 186 (DE), 189 (PT), 190, 407, 457, 485 (GW), 489 (F), 489 (S/T) | TRA |
Cabler (Data & Telecommunications) | 342411 | STSOL | 186 (DE), 190, 407, 457, 489 (S/T) | TRA |
Cafe or Restaurant Manager*** | 141111 | STSOL | 186 (DE), 190, 407, 457, 489 (S/T) | VETASSESS |
Camera Operator (Film, Television or Video) | 399512 | STSOL | 186 (DE), 190, 407, 457, 489 (S/T) | TRA |
Cardiac Technician | 311212 | STSOL | 186 (DE), 190, 407, 457, 489 (S/T) | VETASSESS |
Cardiologist | 253312 | MLTSSL | 186 (DE), 189 (PT), 190, 407, 457, 485 (GW), 489 (F), 489 (S/T) | Medical Board of Australia |
Cardiothoracic Surgeon | 253512 | MLTSSL | 186 (DE), 189 (PT), 190, 407, 457, 485 (GW), 489 (F), 489 (S/T) | Medical Board of Australia |
Careers Counsellor | 272111 | STSOL | 186 (DE), 190, 407, 457, 489 (S/T) | VETASSESS |
Carpenter | 331212 | MLTSSL | 186 (DE), 189 (PT), 190, 407, 457, 485 (GW), 489 (F), 489 (S/T) | TRA |
Carpenter & Joiner | 331211 | MLTSSL | 186 (DE), 189 (PT), 190, 407, 457, 485 (GW), 489 (F), 489 (S/T) | TRA |
Cartographer | 232213 | MLTSSL | 186 (DE), 189 (PT), 190, 407, 457, 485 (GW), 489 (F), 489 (S/T) | VETASSESS |
Chef*** | 351311 | MLTSSL | 186 (DE), 189 (PT), 190, 407, 457, 485 (GW), 489 (F), 489 (S/T) | TRA |
Chemical Engineer | 233111 | MLTSSL | 186 (DE), 189 (PT), 190, 407, 457, 485 (GW), 489 (F), 489 (S/T) | Engineers Australia |
Chemical Plant Operator | 399211 | STSOL | 186 (DE), 190, 407, 457, 489 (S/T) | TRA |
Chemist | 234211 | MLTSSL | 186 (DE), 407, 457 | VETASSESS |
Chemistry Technician | 311411 | STSOL | 186 (DE), 190, 407, 457, 489 (S/T) | VETASSESS |
Chief Executive or Managing Director*** | 111111 | MLTSSL | 186 (DE), 407, 457 | AIM |
Chief Information Officer | 135111 | MLTSSL | 186 (DE), 407, 457 | ACS |
Child Care Centre Manager | 134111 | MLTSSL | 186 (DE), 189 (PT), 190, 407, 457, 485 (GW), 489 (F), 489 (S/T) | TRA |
Chiropractor | 252111 | MLTSSL | 186 (DE), 189 (PT), 190, 407, 457, 485 (GW), 489 (F), 489 (S/T) | CCEA |
Civil Engineer | 233211 | MLTSSL | 186 (DE), 189 (PT), 190, 407, 457, 485 (GW), 489 (F), 489 (S/T) | Engineers Australia |
Civil Engineering Draftsperson | 312211 | MLTSSL | 186 (DE), 189 (PT), 190, 407, 457, 485 (GW), 489 (F), 489 (S/T) | Engineers Australia or VETASSESS |
Civil Engineering Technician | 312212 | MLTSSL | 186 (DE), 189 (PT), 190, 407, 457, 485 (GW), 489 (F), 489 (S/T) | VETASSESS |
Clinical Haematologist | 253313 | MLTSSL | 186 (DE), 189 (PT), 190, 407, 457, 485 (GW), 489 (F), 489 (S/T) | Medical Board of Australia |
Clinical Psychologist | 272311 | MLTSSL | 186 (DE), 189 (PT), 190, 407, 457, 485 (GW), 489 (F), 489 (S/T) | APS |
Commodities Trader | 222111 | STSOL | 186 (DE), 190, 407, 457, 489 (S/T) | VETASSESS |
Community Worker | 411711 | STSOL | 186 (DE), 190, 407, 457, 489 (S/T) | Australian Community Workers Association |
Company Secretary | 221211 | STSOL | 186 (DE), 190, 407, 457, 489 (S/T) | VETASSESS |
Complementary Health Therapists (nec) | 252299 | STSOL | 186 (DE), 190, 407, 457, 489 (S/T) | VETASSESS |
Computer Network & Systems Engineer | 263111 | MLTSSL | 186 (DE), 189 (PT), 190, 407, 457, 485 (GW), 489 (F), 489 (S/T) | ACS |
Conference & Event Organiser*** | 149311 | STSOL | 186 (DE), 190, 407, 457, 489 (S/T) | VETASSESS |
Conservator | 234911 | MLTSSL | 186 (DE), 407, 457 | VETASSESS |
Construction Project Manager | 133111 | MLTSSL | 186 (DE), 189 (PT), 190, 407, 457, 485 (GW), 489 (F), 489 (S/T) | VETASSESS |
Contract Administrator*** | 511111 | STSOL | 186 (DE), 190, 407, 457, 489 (S/T) | VETASSESS |
Cook*** | 351411 | STSOL | 186 (DE), 190, 407, 457, 489 (S/T) | TRA |
Copywriter | 212411 | STSOL | 186 (DE), 190, 407, 457, 489 (S/T) | VETASSESS |
Corporate General Manager*** | 111211 | MLTSSL | 186 (DE), 407, 457 | AIM |
Corporate Services Manager*** | 132111 | STSOL | 186 (DE), 190, 407, 457, 489 (S/T) | VETASSESS |
Cotton Grower*** | 121211 | STSOL | 186 (DE), 407, 457, 489 (S/T) | VETASSESS |
Counsellors (nec) | 272199 | STSOL | 186 (DE), 190, 407, 457, 489 (S/T) | VETASSESS |
Crop Farmers (nec)*** | 121299 | STSOL | 186 (DE), 407, 457, 489 (S/T) | VETASSESS |
Customer Service Manager*** | 149212 | STSOL | 186 (DE), 190, 407, 457, 489 (S/T) | VETASSESS |
Dairy Cattle Farmer*** | 121313 | STSOL | 186 (DE), 407, 457, 489 (S/T) | VETASSESS |
Dance Teacher (Private Tuition) | 249212 | STSOL | 186 (DE), 190, 407, 457, 489 (S/T) | VETASSESS |
Dancer or Choreographer | 211112 | STSOL | 186 (DE), 190, 407, 457, 489 (S/T) | VETASSESS |
Database Administrator | 262111 | STSOL | 186 (DE), 190, 407, 457, 489 (S/T) | ACS |
Dental Specialist | 252311 | STSOL | 186 (DE), 190, 407, 457, 489 (S/T) | ADC |
Dental Technician | 411213 | STSOL | 186 (DE), 190, 407, 457, 489 (S/T) | TRA |
Dentist | 252312 | STSOL | 186 (DE), 190, 407, 457, 489 (S/T) | ADC |
Dermatologist | 253911 | MLTSSL | 186 (DE), 189 (PT), 190, 407, 457, 485 (GW), 489 (F), 489 (S/T) | Medical Board of Australia |
Developer Programmer | 261312 | MLTSSL | 186 (DE), 189 (PT), 190, 407, 457, 485 (GW), 489 (F), 489 (S/T) | ACS |
Diagnostic & Interventional Radiologist | 253917 | MLTSSL | 186 (DE), 189 (PT), 190, 407, 457, 485 (GW), 489 (F), 489 (S/T) | Medical Board of Australia |
Diesel Motor Mechanic | 321212 | MLTSSL | 186 (DE), 189 (PT), 190, 407, 457, 485 (GW), 489 (F), 489 (S/T) | TRA |
Dietitian | 251111 | STSOL | 186 (DE), 190, 407, 457, 489 (S/T) | DAA |
Director (Film, Television, Radio or Stage) | 212312 | STSOL | 186 (DE), 190, 407, 457, 489 (S/T) | VETASSESS |
Disabilities Services Officer | 411712 | STSOL | 186 (DE), 190, 407, 457, 489 (S/T) | VETASSESS |
Diversional Therapist | 411311 | STSOL | 186 (DE), 190, 407, 457, 489 (S/T) | VETASSESS |
Diving Instructor (Open Water) | 452311 | STSOL | 186 (DE), 190, 407, 457, 489 (S/T) | VETASSESS |
Dog Handler or Trainer | 361111 | STSOL | 186 (DE), 190, 407, 457, 489 (S/T) | VETASSESS |
Drainer | 334113 | MLTSSL | 186 (DE), 189 (PT), 190, 407, 457, 485 (GW), 489 (F), 489 (S/T) | TRA |
Dressmaker or Tailor | 393213 | STSOL | 186 (DE), 190, 407, 457, 489 (S/T) | TRA |
Drug & Alcohol Counsellor | 272112 | STSOL | 186 (DE), 190, 407, 457, 489 (S/T) | VETASSESS |
Early Childhood (Pre-Primary School) Teacher | 241111 | MLTSSL | 186 (DE), 189 (PT), 190, 407, 457, 485 (GW), 489 (F), 489 (S/T) | AITSL |
Earth Science Technician | 311412 | STSOL | 186 (DE), 190, 407, 457, 489 (S/T) | VETASSESS |
Economist | 224311 | MLTSSL | 186 (DE), 407, 457 | VETASSESS |
Education Adviser | 249111 | STSOL | 186 (DE), 190, 407, 457, 489 (S/T) | VETASSESS |
Education Managers (nec) | 134499 | STSOL | 186 (DE), 190, 407, 457, 489 (S/T) | VETASSESS |
Educational Psychologist | 272312 | MLTSSL | 186 (DE), 189 (PT), 190, 407, 457, 485 (GW), 489 (F), 489 (S/T) | APS |
Electrical Engineer | 233311 | MLTSSL | 186 (DE), 189 (PT), 190, 407, 457, 485 (GW), 489 (F), 489 (S/T) | Engineers Australia |
Electrical Engineering Draftsperson | 312311 | MLTSSL | 186 (DE), 189 (PT), 190, 407, 457, 485 (GW), 489 (F), 489 (S/T) | Engineers Australia |
Electrical Engineering Technician | 312312 | MLTSSL | 186 (DE), 189 (PT), 190, 407, 457, 485 (GW), 489 (F), 489 (S/T) | TRA |
Electrical Linesworker | 342211 | MLTSSL | 189 (PT), 407, 485 (GW), 489 (F) | TRA |
Electrician (General) | 341111 | MLTSSL | 186 (DE), 189 (PT), 190, 407, 457, 485 (GW), 489 (F), 489 (S/T) | TRA |
Electrician (Special Class) | 341112 | MLTSSL | 186 (DE), 189 (PT), 190, 407, 457, 485 (GW), 489 (F), 489 (S/T) | TRA |
Electronic Equipment Trades Worker | 342313 | MLTSSL | 186 (DE), 189 (PT), 190, 407, 457, 485 (GW), 489 (F), 489 (S/T) | TRA |
Electronic Instrument Trades Worker (General) | 342314 | MLTSSL | 186 (DE), 189 (PT), 190, 407, 457, 485 (GW), 489 (F), 489 (S/T) | TRA |
Electronic Instrument Trades Worker (Special Class) | 342315 | MLTSSL | 186 (DE), 189 (PT), 190, 407, 457, 485 (GW), 489 (F), 489 (S/T) | TRA |
Electronics Engineer | 233411 | MLTSSL | 186 (DE), 189 (PT), 190, 407, 457, 485 (GW), 489 (F), 489 (S/T) | Engineers Australia |
Emergency Medicine Specialist | 253912 | MLTSSL | 186 (DE), 189 (PT), 190, 407, 457, 485 (GW), 489 (F), 489 (S/T) | Medical Board of Australia |
Endocrinologist | 253315 | MLTSSL | 186 (DE), 189 (PT), 190, 407, 457, 485 (GW), 489 (F), 489 (S/T) | Medical Board of Australia |
Engineering Manager | 133211 | MLTSSL | 186 (DE), 189 (PT), 190, 407, 457, 485 (GW), 489 (F), 489 (S/T) | Engineers Australia/AIM |
Engineering Professionals (nec) | 233999 | MLTSSL | 186 (DE), 407, 457 | Engineers Australia |
Engineering Technologist | 233914 | MLTSSL | 186 (DE), 189 (PT), 190, 407, 457, 485 (GW), 489 (F), 489 (S/T) | Engineers Australia |
Enrolled Nurse | 411411 | STSOL | 186 (DE), 190, 407, 457, 489 (S/T) | ANMAC |
Environmental Consultant | 234312 | MLTSSL | 186 (DE), 407, 457 | VETASSESS |
Environmental Engineer | 233915 | MLTSSL | 186 (DE), 189 (PT), 190, 407, 457, 485 (GW), 489 (F), 489 (S/T) | Engineers Australia |
Environmental Manager | 139912 | MLTSSL | 186 (DE), 407, 457 | VETASSESS |
Environmental Research Scientist | 234313 | MLTSSL | 186 (DE), 407, 457 | VETASSESS |
Environmental Scientists (nec) | 234399 | MLTSSL | 186 (DE), 407, 457 | VETASSESS |
External Auditor | 221213 | MLTSSL | 186 (DE), 189 (PT), 190, 407, 457, 485 (GW), 489 (F), 489 (S/T) | CAANZ/CPAA/IPA |
Facilities Manager*** | 149913 | STSOL | 186 (DE), 190, 407, 457, 489 (S/T) | VETASSESS |
Faculty Head | 134411 | MLTSSL | 186 (DE), 407, 457 | VETASSESS |
Family & Marriage Counsellor | 272113 | STSOL | 186 (DE), 190, 407, 457, 489 (S/T) | VETASSESS |
Family Support Worker | 411713 | STSOL | 186 (DE), 190, 407, 457, 489 (S/T) | VETASSESS |
Farrier | 322113 | STSOL | 186 (DE), 190, 407, 457, 489 (S/T) | TRA |
Fashion Designer | 232311 | STSOL | 186 (DE), 190, 407, 457, 489 (S/T) | VETASSESS |
Fibrous Plasterer | 333211 | MLTSSL | 186 (DE), 189 (PT), 190, 407, 457, 485 (GW), 489 (F), 489 (S/T) | TRA |
Film & Video Editor | 212314 | STSOL | 186 (DE), 190, 407, 457, 489 (S/T) | VETASSESS |
Finance Broker | 222112 | STSOL | 186 (DE), 190, 407, 457, 489 (S/T) | VETASSESS |
Finance Manager*** | 132211 | STSOL | 186 (DE), 190, 407, 457, 489 (S/T) | CPAA/ IPA/CAANZ |
Financial Brokers (nec) | 222199 | STSOL | 186 (DE), 190, 407, 457, 489 (S/T) | VETASSESS |
Financial Dealers (nec) | 222299 | STSOL | 186 (DE), 190, 407, 457, 489 (S/T) | VETASSESS |
Financial Investment Adviser | 222311 | STSOL | 186 (DE), 190, 407, 457, 489 (S/T) | VETASSESS |
Financial Investment Manager | 222312 | STSOL | 186 (DE), 190, 407, 457, 489 (S/T) | VETASSESS |
Financial Market Dealer | 222211 | STSOL | 186 (DE), 190, 407, 457, 489 (S/T) | VETASSESS |
Fitness Centre Manager*** | 149112 | STSOL | 186 (DE), 190, 407, 457, 489 (S/T) | VETASSESS |
Fitter & Turner | 323212 | MLTSSL | 186 (DE), 189 (PT), 190, 407, 457, 485 (GW), 489 (F), 489 (S/T) | TRA |
Fitter (General) | 323211 | MLTSSL | 186 (DE), 189 (PT), 190, 407, 457, 485 (GW), 489 (F), 489 (S/T) | TRA |
Fitter-Welder | 323213 | MLTSSL | 186 (DE), 189 (PT), 190, 407, 457, 485 (GW), 489 (F), 489 (S/T) | TRA |
Florist | 362111 | STSOL | 186 (DE), 190, 407, 457, 489 (S/T) | TRA |
Flower Grower*** | 121212 | STSOL | 186 (DE), 407, 457, 489 (S/T) | VETASSESS |
Flying instructor*** | 231113 | STSOL | 186 (DE), 190, 407, 457, 489 (S/T) | VETASSESS |
Food Technologist | 234212 | MLTSSL | 186 (DE), 407, 457 | VETASSESS |
Footballer | 452411 | STSOL | 186 (DE), 190, 407, 457, 489 (S/T) | VETASSESS |
Forester | 234113 | MLTSSL | 186 (DE), 189 (PT), 190, 407, 457, 485 (GW), 489 (F), 489 (S/T) | VETASSESS |
Fruit or Nut Grower*** | 121213 | STSOL | 186 (DE), 407, 457, 489 (S/T) | VETASSESS |
Furniture Finisher | 394211 | STSOL | 186 (DE), 190, 407, 457, 489 (S/T) | TRA |
Gallery or Museum Curator | 224212 | STSOL | 186 (DE), 190, 407, 457, 489 (S/T) | VETASSESS |
Gardener (General) | 362211 | STSOL | 186 (DE), 190, 407, 457, 489 (S/T) | TRA |
Gasfitter | 334114 | MLTSSL | 186 (DE), 189 (PT), 190, 407, 457, 485 (GW), 489 (F), 489 (S/T) | TRA |
Gastroenterologist | 253316 | MLTSSL | 186 (DE), 189 (PT), 190, 407, 457, 485 (GW), 489 (F), 489 (S/T) | Medical Board of Australia |
General Practitioner | 253111 | MLTSSL | 186 (DE), 189 (PT), 190, 407, 457, 485 (GW), 489 (F), 489 (S/T) | Medical Board of Australia |
Geologist | 234411 | STSOL | 186 (DE), 190, 407, 457, 489 (S/T) | VETASSESS |
Geophysicist | 234412 | MLTSSL | 186 (DE), 407, 457 | VETASSESS |
Geotechnical Engineer | 233212 | MLTSSL | 186 (DE), 189 (PT), 190, 407, 457, 485 (GW), 489 (F), 489 (S/T) | Engineers Australia |
Glazier | 333111 | MLTSSL | 186 (DE), 189 (PT), 190, 407, 457, 485 (GW), 489 (F), 489 (S/T) | TRA |
Grain, Oilseed or Pasture Grower (Aus) / Field Crop Grower (NZ)*** | 121214 | STSOL | 186 (DE), 407, 457, 489 (S/T) | VETASSESS |
Grape Grower*** | 121215 | STSOL | 186 (DE), 407, 457, 489 (S/T) | VETASSESS |
Graphic Designer*** | 232411 | STSOL | 186 (DE), 190, 407, 457, 489 (S/T) | VETASSESS |
Greenkeeper | 362311 | STSOL | 186 (DE), 190, 407, 457, 489 (S/T) | TRA |
Gymnastics Coach or Instructor | 452312 | STSOL | 186 (DE), 190, 407, 457, 489 (S/T) | VETASSESS |
Hairdresser*** | 391111 | STSOL | 186 (DE), 190, 407, 457, 489 (S/T) | TRA |
Hardware Technician | 313111 | STSOL | 186 (DE), 190, 407, 457, 489 (S/T) | TRA |
Health & Welfare Services Managers (nec) | 134299 | STSOL | 186 (DE), 190, 407, 457, 489 (S/T) | VETASSESS |
Health Diagnostic & Promotion Professionals (nec) | 251999 | STSOL | 186 (DE), 190, 407, 457, 489 (S/T) | VETASSESS |
Health Information Manager | 224213 | STSOL | 186 (DE), 190, 407, 457, 489 (S/T) | VETASSESS |
Health Promotion Officer | 251911 | STSOL | 186 (DE), 190, 407, 457, 489 (S/T) | VETASSESS |
Helicopter pilot*** | 231114 | STSOL | 186 (DE), 190, 407, 457, 489 (S/T) | CASA |
Horse Breeder*** | 121316 | MLTSSL | 186 (DE), 407, 457, 489 (S/T) | VETASSESS |
Horse Riding Coach or Instructor | 452313 | STSOL | 186 (DE), 190, 407, 457, 489 (S/T) | VETASSESS |
Horse trainer | 361112 | MLTSSL | 186 (DE), 407, 457 | TRA |
Hospital Pharmacist | 251511 | STSOL | 186 (DE), 190, 407, 457, 489 (S/T) | APharmC |
Hotel or Motel Manager*** | 141311 | STSOL | 186 (DE), 190, 407, 457, 489 (S/T) | VETASSESS |
Human Resource Manager | 132311 | STSOL | 186 (DE), 190, 407, 457, 489 (S/T) | AIM |
Hydrogeologist | 234413 | MLTSSL | 186 (DE), 407, 457 | VETASSESS |
ICT Account Manager | 225211 | STSOL | 186 (DE), 190, 407, 457, 489 (S/T) | VETASSESS |
ICT Business Analyst | 261111 | MLTSSL | 186 (DE), 189 (PT), 190, 407, 457, 485 (GW), 489 (F), 489 (S/T) | ACS |
ICT Business Development Manager | 225212 | STSOL | 186 (DE), 190, 407, 457, 489 (S/T) | VETASSESS |
ICT Customer Support Officer | 313112 | STSOL | 186 (DE), 190, 407, 457, 489 (S/T) | TRA |
ICT Managers (nec) | 135199 | STSOL | 186 (DE), 190, 407, 457, 489 (S/T) | ACS |
ICT Project Manager*** | 135112 | STSOL | 186 (DE), 190, 407, 457, 489 (S/T) | ACS |
ICT Quality Assurance Engineer | 263211 | STSOL | 186 (DE), 190, 407, 457, 489 (S/T) | ACS |
ICT Sales Representative | 225213 | STSOL | 186 (DE), 190, 407, 457, 489 (S/T) | VETASSESS |
ICT Security Specialist | 262112 | MLTSSL | 186 (DE), 189 (PT), 190, 407, 457, 485 (GW), 489 (F), 489 (S/T) | ACS |
ICT Support and Test Engineers nec | 263299 | STSOL | 186 (DE), 190, 407, 457, 489 (S/T) | ACS |
ICT Support Engineer*** | 263212 | STSOL | 186 (DE), 190, 407, 457, 489 (S/T) | ACS |
ICT Support Technicians (nec) | 313199 | STSOL | 186 (DE), 190, 407, 457, 489 (S/T) | TRA |
ICT Systems Test Engineer*** | 263213 | STSOL | 186 (DE), 190, 407, 457, 489 (S/T) | ACS |
ICT Trainer | 223211 | STSOL | 186 (DE), 190, 407, 457, 489 (S/T) | ACS |
Illustrator | 232412 | STSOL | 186 (DE), 190, 407, 457, 489 (S/T) | VETASSESS |
Industrial Designer | 232312 | STSOL | 186 (DE), 190, 407, 457, 489 (S/T) | VETASSESS |
Industrial Engineer | 233511 | MLTSSL | 186 (DE), 189 (PT), 190, 407, 457, 485 (GW), 489 (F), 489 (S/T) | Engineers Australia |
Industrial Pharmacist | 251512 | STSOL | 186 (DE), 190, 407, 457, 489 (S/T) | VETASSESS |
Information and Organisation Professionals (nec)*** | 224999 | STSOL | 186 (DE), 190, 407, 457, 489 (S/T) | VETASSESS |
Insurance Agent | 611211 | STSOL | 186 (DE), 190, 407, 457, 489 (S/T) | VETASSESS |
Insurance Broker | 222113 | STSOL | 186 (DE), 190, 407, 457, 489 (S/T) | VETASSESS |
Insurance Loss Adjuster | 599612 | STSOL | 186 (DE), 190, 407, 457, 489 (S/T) | VETASSESS |
Intensive Care Ambulance Paramedic | 411112 | STSOL | 186 (DE), 190, 407, 457, 489 (S/T) | VETASSESS |
Intensive Care Specialist | 253317 | MLTSSL | 186 (DE), 189 (PT), 190, 407, 457, 485 (GW), 489 (F), 489 (S/T) | Medical Board of Australia |
Interior Designer | 232511 | STSOL | 186 (DE), 190, 407, 457, 489 (S/T) | VETASSESS |
Internal Auditor | 221214 | MLTSSL | 186 (DE), 189 (PT), 190, 407, 457, 485 (GW), 489 (F), 489 (S/T) | VETASSESS |
Interpreter | 272412 | STSOL | 186 (DE), 190, 407, 457, 489 (S/T) | NAATI |
Jeweller | 399411 | STSOL | 186 (DE), 190, 407, 457, 489 (S/T) | TRA |
Jewellery Designer | 232313 | STSOL | 186 (DE), 190, 407, 457, 489 (S/T) | VETASSESS |
Jockey | 452413 | STSOL | 407 | TRA |
Joiner | 331213 | MLTSSL | 186 (DE), 189 (PT), 190, 407, 457, 485 (GW), 489 (F), 489 (S/T) | TRA |
Journalists & Other Writers (nec) | 212499 | STSOL | 186 (DE), 190, 407, 457, 489 (S/T) | VETASSESS |
Judicial & Other Legal Professionals (nec) | 271299 | STSOL | 186 (DE), 190, 407, 457, 489 (S/T) | VETASSESS |
Laboratory Manager | 139913 | STSOL | 186 (DE), 190, 407, 457, 489 (S/T) | VETASSESS |
Land Economist | 224511 | MLTSSL | 186 (DE), 189 (PT), 190, 407, 457, 485 (GW), 489 (F), 489 (S/T) | VETASSESS |
Landscape Architect | 232112 | MLTSSL | 186 (DE), 189 (PT), 190, 407, 457, 485 (GW), 489 (F), 489 (S/T) | VETASSESS |
Landscape Gardener | 362213 | STSOL | 186 (DE), 190, 407, 457, 489 (S/T) | TRA |
Librarian | 224611 | STSOL | 186 (DE), 190, 407, 457, 489 (S/T) | VETASSESS |
Library Technician | 399312 | STSOL | 186 (DE), 190, 407, 457, 489 (S/T) | VETASSESS |
Life Science Technician | 311413 | STSOL | 186 (DE), 190, 407, 457, 489 (S/T) | VETASSESS |
Life Scientist (General) | 234511 | MLTSSL | 186 (DE), 407, 457 | VETASSESS |
Life Scientists (nec) | 234599 | MLTSSL | 186 (DE), 407, 457 | VETASSESS |
Lift Mechanic | 341113 | MLTSSL | 186 (DE), 189 (PT), 190, 407, 457, 485 (GW), 489 (F), 489 (S/T) | TRA |
Livestock Farmers (nec)*** | 121399 | STSOL | 186 (DE), 407, 457, 489 (S/T) | VETASSESS |
Locksmith | 323313 | MLTSSL | 186 (DE), 189 (PT), 190, 407, 457, 485 (GW), 489 (F), 489 (S/T) | TRA |
Make Up Artist | 399514 | STSOL | 186 (DE), 190, 407, 457, 489 (S/T) | TRA |
Management Accountant*** | 221112 | MLTSSL | 186 (DE), 189 (PT), 190, 407, 457, 485 (GW), 489 (F), 489 (S/T) | CAANZ/CPAA/IPA |
Management Consultant*** | 224711 | MLTSSL | 186 (DE), 190, 407, 457, 489 (S/T) | VETASSESS |
Manufacturer | 133411 | STSOL | 186 (DE), 190, 407, 457, 489 (S/T) | VETASSESS |
Marine Biologist | 234516 | MLTSSL | 186 (DE), 407, 457 | VETASSESS |
Marketing Specialist*** | 225113 | STSOL | 186 (DE), 190, 407, 457, 489 (S/T) | VETASSESS |
Massage Therapist*** | 411611 | STSOL | 186 (DE), 190, 407, 457, 489 (S/T) | VETASSESS |
Materials Engineer | 233112 | MLTSSL | 186 (DE), 189 (PT), 190, 407, 457, 485 (GW), 489 (F), 489 (S/T) | Engineers Australia |
Mathematician | 224112 | STSOL | 186 (DE), 190, 407, 457, 489 (S/T) | VETASSESS |
Meat Inspector | 311312 | STSOL | 186 (DE), 190, 407, 457, 489 (S/T) | VETASSESS |
Mechanical Engineer | 233512 | MLTSSL | 186 (DE), 189 (PT), 190, 407, 457, 485 (GW), 489 (F), 489 (S/T) | Engineers Australia |
Mechanical Engineering Technician*** | 312512 | STSOL | 186 (DE), 190, 407, 457, 489 (S/T) | TRA |
Medical Administrator | 134211 | MLTSSL | 189 (PT), 407, 485 (GW), 489 (F) | VETASSESS |
Medical Diagnostic Radiographer | 251211 | MLTSSL | 186 (DE), 189 (PT), 190, 407, 457, 485 (GW), 489 (F), 489 (S/T) | ASMIRT |
Medical Laboratory Scientist | 234611 | MLTSSL | 186 (DE), 189 (PT), 190, 407, 457, 485 (GW), 489 (F), 489 (S/T) | AIMS |
Medical Laboratory Technician | 311213 | STSOL | 186 (DE), 190, 407, 457, 489 (S/T) | AIMS |
Medical Oncologist | 253314 | MLTSSL | 186 (DE), 189 (PT), 190, 407, 457, 485 (GW), 489 (F), 489 (S/T) | Medical Board of Australia |
Medical Practitioners (nec) | 253999 | MLTSSL | 186 (DE), 189 (PT), 190, 407, 457, 485 (GW), 489 (F), 489 (S/T) | Medical Board of Australia |
Medical Radiation Therapist | 251212 | MLTSSL | 186 (DE), 189 (PT), 190, 407, 457, 485 (GW), 489 (F), 489 (S/T) | ASMIRT |
Medical Technicians (nec) | 311299 | STSOL | 186 (DE), 190, 407, 457, 489 (S/T) | VETASSESS |
Metal Fabricator | 322311 | MLTSSL | 186 (DE), 189 (PT), 190, 407, 457, 485 (GW), 489 (F), 489 (S/T) | TRA |
Metal Fitters & Machinists (nec) | 323299 | STSOL | 186 (DE), 190, 407, 457, 489 (S/T) | TRA |
Metal Machinist (First Class) | 323214 | MLTSSL | 186 (DE), 189 (PT), 190, 407, 457, 485 (GW), 489 (F), 489 (S/T) | TRA |
Metallurgical or Materials Technician | 312912 | STSOL | 186 (DE), 190, 407, 457, 489 (S/T) | VETASSESS |
Metallurgist | 234912 | MLTSSL | 186 (DE), 407, 457 | VETASSESS |
Meteorologist | 234913 | MLTSSL | 186 (DE), 407, 457 | VETASSESS |
Microbiologist | 234517 | MLTSSL | 186 (DE), 407, 457 | VETASSESS |
Middle School Teacher (Aus) / Intermediate School Teacher (NZ) | 241311 | STSOL | 186 (DE), 190, 407, 457, 489 (S/T) | AITSL |
Midwife | 254111 | MLTSSL | 186 (DE), 189 (PT), 190, 407, 457, 485 (GW), 489 (F), 489 (S/T) | ANMAC |
Mine Deputy | 312913 | STSOL | 186 (DE), 190, 407, 457, 489 (S/T) | VETASSESS |
Mining Engineer (excluding Petroleum) | 233611 | MLTSSL | 186 (DE), 407, 457 | Engineers Australia |
Minister of Religion | 272211 | STSOL | 407 | VETASSESS |
Mixed Crop & Livestock Farmer*** | 121411 | STSOL | 186 (DE), 407, 457, 489 (S/T) | VETASSESS |
Mixed Crop Farmer*** | 121216 | STSOL | 186 (DE), 407, 457, 489 (S/T) | VETASSESS |
Mixed Livestock Farmer*** | 121317 | STSOL | 186 (DE), 407, 457, 489 (S/T) | VETASSESS |
Motor Mechanic (General) | 321211 | MLTSSL | 186 (DE), 189 (PT), 190, 407, 457, 485 (GW), 489 (F), 489 (S/T) | TRA |
Motorcycle Mechanic | 321213 | MLTSSL | 186 (DE), 189 (PT), 190, 407, 457, 485 (GW), 489 (F), 489 (S/T) | TRA |
Multimedia Specialist | 261211 | MLTSSL | 186 (DE), 407, 457 | ACS |
Music Director | 211212 | STSOL | 186 (DE), 190, 407, 457, 489 (S/T) | VETASSESS |
Music Professionals nec* | 211299 | STSOL | 186 (DE), 190, 407, 457, 489 (S/T) | VETASSESS |
Music Teacher (Private Tuition) | 249214 | STSOL | 186 (DE), 190, 407, 457, 489 (S/T) | VETASSESS |
Musician (Instrumental) | 211213 | MLTSSL | 186 (DE), 407, 457 | VETASSESS |
Natural and Physical Science Professionals (nec) | 234999 | MLTSSL | 186 (DE), 407, 457 | VETASSESS |
Naturopath | 252213 | STSOL | 186 (DE), 190, 407, 457, 489 (S/T) | VETASSESS |
Naval Architect | 233916 | MLTSSL | 186 (DE), 189 (PT), 190, 407, 457, 485 (GW), 489 (F), 489 (S/T) | Engineers Australia |
Network Administrator | 263112 | STSOL | 186 (DE), 190, 407, 457, 489 (S/T) | ACS |
Network Analyst | 263113 | STSOL | 186 (DE), 190, 407, 457, 489 (S/T) | ACS |
Neurologist | 253318 | MLTSSL | 186 (DE), 189 (PT), 190, 407, 457, 485 (GW), 489 (F), 489 (S/T) | Medical Board of Australia |
Neurosurgeon | 253513 | MLTSSL | 186 (DE), 189 (PT), 190, 407, 457, 485 (GW), 489 (F), 489 (S/T) | Medical Board of Australia |
Newspaper or Periodical Editor | 212412 | STSOL | 186 (DE), 190, 407, 457, 489 (S/T) | VETASSESS |
Nuclear Medicine Technologist | 251213 | MLTSSL | 186 (DE), 189 (PT), 190, 407, 457, 485 (GW), 489 (F), 489 (S/T) | ANZSNM |
Nurse Educator | 254211 | STSOL | 186 (DE), 190, 407, 457, 489 (S/T) | ANMAC |
Nurse Manager | 254311 | STSOL | 186 (DE), 190, 407, 457, 489 (S/T) | ANMAC |
Nurse Practitioner | 254411 | MLTSSL | 186 (DE), 189 (PT), 190, 407, 457, 485 (GW), 489 (F), 489 (S/T) | ANMAC |
Nurse Researcher | 254212 | STSOL | 186 (DE), 190, 407, 457, 489 (S/T) | ANMAC |
Nursing Clinical Director | 134212 | MLTSSL | 186 (DE), 189 (PT), 190, 407, 457, 485 (GW), 489 (F), 489 (S/T) | ANMAC |
Nutritionist | 251112 | STSOL | 186 (DE), 190, 407, 457, 489 (S/T) | VETASSESS |
Obstetrician & Gynaecologist | 253913 | MLTSSL | 186 (DE), 189 (PT), 190, 407, 457, 485 (GW), 489 (F), 489 (S/T) | Medical Board of Australia |
Occupational Health and Safety Adviser | 251312 | STSOL | 186 (DE), 190, 407, 457, 489 (S/T) | VETASSESS |
Occupational Therapist | 252411 | MLTSSL | 186 (DE), 189 (PT), 190, 407, 457, 485 (GW), 489 (F), 489 (S/T) | OTC |
Ophthalmologist | 253914 | MLTSSL | 186 (DE), 189 (PT), 190, 407, 457, 485 (GW), 489 (F), 489 (S/T) | Medical Board of Australia |
Optometrist | 251411 | MLTSSL | 186 (DE), 189 (PT), 190, 407, 457, 485 (GW), 489 (F), 489 (S/T) | OCANZ |
Organisation & Methods Analyst | 224712 | STSOL | 186 (DE), 190, 407, 457, 489 (S/T) | VETASSESS |
Organisational Psychologist | 272313 | MLTSSL | 186 (DE), 189 (PT), 190, 407, 457, 485 (GW), 489 (F), 489 (S/T) | APS |
Orthopaedic Surgeon | 253514 | MLTSSL | 186 (DE), 189 (PT), 190, 407, 457, 485 (GW), 489 (F), 489 (S/T) | Medical Board of Australia |
Orthoptist | 251412 | STSOL | 186 (DE), 190, 407, 457, 489 (S/T) | VETASSESS |
Orthotist or Prosthetist | 251912 | MLTSSL | 186 (DE), 189 (PT), 190, 407, 457, 485 (GW), 489 (F), 489 (S/T) | AOPA |
Osteopath | 252112 | MLTSSL | 186 (DE), 189 (PT), 190, 407, 457, 485 (GW), 489 (F), 489 (S/T) | AOAC |
Other Spatial Scientist | 232214 | MLTSSL | 186 (DE), 189 (PT), 190, 407, 457, 485 (GW), 489 (F), 489 (S/T) | VETASSESS |
Other Sports Coach or Instructor | 452317 | STSOL | 186 (DE), 190, 407, 457, 489 (S/T) | VETASSESS |
Otorhinolaryngologist | 253515 | MLTSSL | 186 (DE), 189 (PT), 190, 407, 457, 485 (GW), 489 (F), 489 (S/T) | Medical Board of Australia |
Paediatric Surgeon | 253516 | MLTSSL | 186 (DE), 189 (PT), 190, 407, 457, 485 (GW), 489 (F), 489 (S/T) | Medical Board of Australia |
Paediatrician | 253321 | MLTSSL | 186 (DE), 189 (PT), 190, 407, 457, 485 (GW), 489 (F), 489 (S/T) | Medical Board of Australia |
Painting Trades Workers | 332211 | MLTSSL | 186 (DE), 189 (PT), 190, 407, 457, 485 (GW), 489 (F), 489 (S/T) | TRA |
Panelbeater | 324111 | MLTSSL | 186 (DE), 189 (PT), 190, 407, 457, 485 (GW), 489 (F), 489 (S/T) | TRA |
Pastrycook*** | 351112 | STSOL | 186 (DE), 190, 407, 457, 489 (S/T) | TRA |
Patents Examiner | 224914 | STSOL | 186 (DE), 190, 407, 457, 489 (S/T) | VETASSESS |
Pathologist | 253915 | MLTSSL | 186 (DE), 189 (PT), 190, 407, 457, 485 (GW), 489 (F), 489 (S/T) | Medical Board of Australia |
Performing Arts Technicians (nec) | 399599 | STSOL | 186 (DE), 190, 407, 457, 489 (S/T) | VETASSESS |
Petroleum Engineer | 233612 | MLTSSL | 186 (DE), 407, 457 | Engineers Australia |
Pharmacy Technician | 311215 | STSOL | 186 (DE), 190, 407, 457, 489 (S/T) | VETASSESS |
Photographer | 211311 | STSOL | 186 (DE), 190, 407, 457, 489 (S/T) | VETASSESS |
Physicist | 234914 | MLTSSL | 186 (DE), 189 (PT), 190, 407, 457, 485 (GW), 489 (F), 489 (S/T) | VETASSESS (non-medical physicists only); ACPSEM (medical physicists only) |
Physiotherapist | 252511 | MLTSSL | 186 (DE), 189 (PT), 190, 407, 457, 485 (GW), 489 (F), 489 (S/T) | APC |
Pig Farmer*** | 121318 | STSOL | 186 (DE), 407, 457, 489 (S/T) | VETASSESS |
Plastic & Reconstructive Surgeon | 253517 | MLTSSL | 186 (DE), 189 (PT), 190, 407, 457, 485 (GW), 489 (F), 489 (S/T) | Medical Board of Australia |
Plumber (General) | 334111 | MLTSSL | 186 (DE), 189 (PT), 190, 407, 457, 485 (GW), 489 (F), 489 (S/T) | TRA |
Podiatrist | 252611 | MLTSSL | 186 (DE), 189 (PT), 190, 407, 457, 485 (GW), 489 (F), 489 (S/T) | APodC/ANZPAC |
Post Office Manager*** | 142115 | STSOL | 186 (DE), 190, 407, 457, 489 (S/T) | VETASSESS |
Poultry Farmer*** | 121321 | STSOL | 186 (DE), 407, 457, 489 (S/T) | VETASSESS |
Power Generation Plant Operator | 399213 | STSOL | 186 (DE), 190, 407, 457, 489 (S/T) | TRA |
Precision Instrument Maker & Repairer | 323314 | STSOL | 186 (DE), 190, 407, 457, 489 (S/T) | TRA |
Pressure Welder | 322312 | MLTSSL | 189 (PT), 407, 485 (GW), 489 (F) | TRA |
Primary Health Organisation Manager | 134213 | MLTSSL | 186 (DE), 189 (PT), 190, 407, 457, 485 (GW), 489 (F), 489 (S/T) | VETASSESS |
Primary Products Inspectors (nec)*** | 311399 | STSOL | 186 (DE), 407, 457, 489 (S/T) | VETASSESS |
Primary School Teacher | 241213 | STSOL | 186 (DE), 190, 407, 457, 489 (S/T) | AITSL |
Print Finisher | 392111 | STSOL | 186 (DE), 190, 407, 457, 489 (S/T) | TRA |
Print Journalist | 212413 | STSOL | 186 (DE), 190, 407, 457, 489 (S/T) | VETASSESS |
Printing Machinist | 392311 | STSOL | 186 (DE), 190, 407, 457, 489 (S/T) | TRA |
Private Tutors & Teachers (nec) | 249299 | STSOL | 186 (DE), 190, 407, 457, 489 (S/T) | VETASSESS |
Production Manager (Forestry)*** | 133511 | STSOL | 186 (DE), 407, 457, 489 (S/T) | VETASSESS |
Production manager (manufacturing) | 133512 | STSOL | 186 (DE), 190, 407, 457, 489 (S/T) | VETASSESS |
Production Manager (Mining) | 133513 | STSOL | 186 (DE), 190, 407, 457, 489 (S/T) | VETASSESS |
Production or Plant Engineer | 233513 | MLTSSL | 186 (DE), 189 (PT), 190, 407, 457, 485 (GW), 489 (F), 489 (S/T) | Engineers Australia |
Program Director (Television or Radio) | 212315 | STSOL | 186 (DE), 190, 407, 457, 489 (S/T) | VETASSESS |
Program or Project Administrator | 511112 | STSOL | 186 (DE), 190, 407, 457, 489 (S/T) | VETASSESS |
Project Builder | 133112 | MLTSSL | 189 (PT), 407, 485 (GW), 489 (F) | VETASSESS |
Property Manager*** | 612112 | STSOL | 186 (DE), 189 (PT), 190, 407, 457, 485 (GW), 489 (F), 489 (S/T) | VETASSESS |
Psychiatrist | 253411 | MLTSSL | 186 (DE), 189 (PT), 190, 407, 457, 485 (GW), 489 (F), 489 (S/T) | Medical Board of Australia |
Psychologists (nec) | 272399 | MLTSSL | 186 (DE), 189 (PT), 190, 407, 457, 485 (GW), 489 (F), 489 (S/T) | APS |
Psychotherapist | 272314 | STSOL | 186 (DE), 189 (PT), 190, 407, 457, 485 (GW), 489 (F), 489 (S/T) | VETASSESS |
Public Relations Professional | 225311 | STSOL | 186 (DE), 190, 407, 457, 489 (S/T) | VETASSESS |
Quality Assurance Manager | 139914 | STSOL | 186 (DE), 190, 407, 457, 489 (S/T) | VETASSESS |
Quantity Surveyor | 233213 | MLTSSL | 186 (DE), 189 (PT), 190, 407, 457, 485 (GW), 489 (F), 489 (S/T) | AIQS |
Radiation Oncologist | 253918 | MLTSSL | 186 (DE), 189 (PT), 190, 407, 457, 485 (GW), 489 (F), 489 (S/T) | Medical Board of Australia |
Radio Communications Technician | 313211 | MLTSSL | 186 (DE), 189 (PT), 190, 407, 457, 485 (GW), 489 (F), 489 (S/T) | TRA |
Real Estate Representative*** | 612115 | STSOL | 186 (DE), 189 (PT), 190, 407, 457, 485 (GW), 489 (F), 489 (S/T) | VETASSESS |
Records Manager | 224214 | STSOL | 186 (DE), 190, 407, 457, 489 (S/T) | VETASSESS |
Recreation Officer | 272612 | STSOL | 186 (DE), 190, 407, 457, 489 (S/T) | VETASSESS |
Recruitment Consultant*** | 223112 | STSOL | 186 (DE), 190, 407, 457, 489 (S/T) | VETASSESS |
Registered Nurse (Aged Care) | 254412 | MLTSSL | 186 (DE), 189 (PT), 190, 407, 457, 485 (GW), 489 (F), 489 (S/T) | ANMAC |
Registered Nurse (Child & Family Health) | 254413 | MLTSSL | 186 (DE), 189 (PT), 190, 407, 457, 485 (GW), 489 (F), 489 (S/T) | ANMAC |
Registered Nurse (Community Health) | 254414 | MLTSSL | 186 (DE), 189 (PT), 190, 407, 457, 485 (GW), 489 (F), 489 (S/T) | ANMAC |
Registered Nurse (Critical Care & Emergency) | 254415 | MLTSSL | 186 (DE), 189 (PT), 190, 407, 457, 485 (GW), 489 (F), 489 (S/T) | ANMAC |
Registered Nurse (Developmental Disability) | 254416 | MLTSSL | 186 (DE), 189 (PT), 190, 407, 457, 485 (GW), 489 (F), 489 (S/T) | ANMAC |
Registered Nurse (Disability & Rehabilitation) | 254417 | MLTSSL | 186 (DE), 189 (PT), 190, 407, 457, 485 (GW), 489 (F), 489 (S/T) | ANMAC |
Registered Nurse (Medical Practice) | 254421 | MLTSSL | 186 (DE), 189 (PT), 190, 407, 457, 485 (GW), 489 (F), 489 (S/T) | ANMAC |
Registered Nurse (Medical) | 254418 | MLTSSL | 186 (DE), 189 (PT), 190, 407, 457, 485 (GW), 489 (F), 489 (S/T) | ANMAC |
Registered Nurse (Mental Health) | 254422 | MLTSSL | 186 (DE), 189 (PT), 190, 407, 457, 485 (GW), 489 (F), 489 (S/T) | ANMAC |
Registered Nurse (Paediatrics) | 254425 | MLTSSL | 186 (DE), 189 (PT), 190, 407, 457, 485 (GW), 489 (F), 489 (S/T) | ANMAC |
Registered Nurse (Perioperative) | 254423 | MLTSSL | 186 (DE), 189 (PT), 190, 407, 457, 485 (GW), 489 (F), 489 (S/T) | ANMAC |
Registered Nurse (Surgical) | 254424 | MLTSSL | 186 (DE), 189 (PT), 190, 407, 457, 485 (GW), 489 (F), 489 (S/T) | ANMAC |
Registered Nurses (nec) | 254499 | MLTSSL | 186 (DE), 189 (PT), 190, 407, 457, 485 (GW), 489 (F), 489 (S/T) | ANMAC |
Rehabilitation Counsellor | 272114 | STSOL | 186 (DE), 190, 407, 457, 489 (S/T) | VETASSESS |
Renal Medicine Specialist | 253322 | MLTSSL | 186 (DE), 189 (PT), 190, 407, 457, 485 (GW), 489 (F), 489 (S/T) | Medical Board of Australia |
Research and Development Manager | 132511 | STSOL | 186 (DE), 190, 407, 457, 489 (S/T) | VETASSESS |
Resident Medical Officer | 253112 | STSOL | 186 (DE), 190, 407, 457, 489 (S/T) | Medical Board of Australia |
Residential Care Officer | 411715 | STSOL | 186 (DE), 190, 407, 457, 489 (S/T) | VETASSESS |
Retail Buyer*** | 639211 | STSOL | 186 (DE), 190, 407, 457, 489 (S/T) | VETASSESS |
Retail Pharmacist | 251513 | STSOL | 186 (DE), 190, 407, 457, 489 (S/T) | APharmC |
Rheumatologist | 253323 | MLTSSL | 186 (DE), 189 (PT), 190, 407, 457, 485 (GW), 489 (F), 489 (S/T) | Medical Board of Australia |
Roof Plumber | 334115 | MLTSSL | 186 (DE), 189 (PT), 190, 407, 457, 485 (GW), 489 (F), 489 (S/T) | TRA |
Roof Tiler | 333311 | STSOL | 186 (DE), 190, 407, 457, 489 (S/T) | TRA |
Sales & Marketing Manager*** | 131112 | STSOL | 186 (DE), 190, 407, 457, 489 (S/T) | AIM |
School Principal | 134311 | STSOL | 186 (DE), 190, 407, 457, 489 (S/T) | VETASSESS |
Science Technicians (nec) | 311499 | STSOL | 186 (DE), 190, 407, 457, 489 (S/T) | VETASSESS |
Secondary School Teacher | 241411 | MLTSSL | 186 (DE), 189 (PT), 190, 407, 457, 485 (GW), 489 (F), 489 (S/T) | AITSL |
Sheep Farmer*** | 121322 | STSOL | 186 (DE), 407, 457, 489 (S/T) | VETASSESS |
Sheetmetal Trades Worker | 322211 | MLTSSL | 186 (DE), 189 (PT), 190, 407, 457, 485 (GW), 489 (F), 489 (S/T) | TRA |
Shipwright | 399112 | MLTSSL | 186 (DE), 189 (PT), 190, 407, 457, 485 (GW), 489 (F), 489 (S/T) | TRA |
Signwriter | 399611 | STSOL | 186 (DE), 190, 407, 457, 489 (S/T) | TRA |
Small Engine Mechanic | 321214 | MLTSSL | 186 (DE), 189 (PT), 190, 407, 457, 485 (GW), 489 (F), 489 (S/T) | TRA |
Snowsport Instructor | 452314 | STSOL | 186 (DE), 190, 407, 457, 489 (S/T) | VETASSESS |
Social Professionals (nec) | 272499 | STSOL | 186 (DE), 190, 407, 457, 489 (S/T) | VETASSESS |
Social Worker | 272511 | MLTSSL | 186 (DE), 189 (PT), 190, 407, 457, 485 (GW), 489 (F), 489 (S/T) | AASW |
Software & Applications Programmers (nec) | 261399 | MLTSSL | 186 (DE), 407, 457 | ACS |
Software Engineer | 261313 | MLTSSL | 186 (DE), 189 (PT), 190, 407, 457, 485 (GW), 489 (F), 489 (S/T) | ACS |
Software Tester*** | 261314 | STSOL | 186 (DE), 190, 407, 457, 489 (S/T) | ACS |
Solicitor | 271311 | MLTSSL | 186 (DE), 189 (PT), 190, 407, 457, 485 (GW), 489 (F), 489 (S/T) | a legal admissions authority of a State or Territory |
Solid Plasterer | 333212 | MLTSSL | 186 (DE), 189 (PT), 190, 407, 457, 485 (GW), 489 (F), 489 (S/T) | TRA |
Sonographer | 251214 | MLTSSL | 186 (DE), 189 (PT), 190, 407, 457, 485 (GW), 489 (F), 489 (S/T) | ASMIRT |
Sound Technician | 399516 | STSOL | 186 (DE), 190, 407, 457, 489 (S/T) | TRA |
Special Education Teachers (nec) | 241599 | MLTSSL | 186 (DE), 189 (PT), 190, 407, 457, 485 (GW), 489 (F), 489 (S/T) | AITSL |
Special Needs Teacher | 241511 | MLTSSL | 186 (DE), 189 (PT), 190, 407, 457, 485 (GW), 489 (F), 489 (S/T) | AITSL |
Specialist Managers (nec) except a. Ambassador,b.Archbishop, c.Bishop | 139999 | STSOL | 186 (DE), 190, 407, 457, 489 (S/T) | VETASSESS |
Specialist Physician (General Medicine) | 253311 | MLTSSL | 186 (DE), 189 (PT), 190, 407, 457, 485 (GW), 489 (F), 489 (S/T) | Medical Board of Australia |
Specialist Physicians (nec) | 253399 | MLTSSL | 186 (DE), 189 (PT), 190, 407, 457, 485 (GW), 489 (F), 489 (S/T) | Medical Board of Australia |
Speech Pathologist | 252712 | MLTSSL | 186 (DE), 189 (PT), 190, 407, 457, 485 (GW), 489 (F), 489 (S/T) | SPA |
Sports Centre Manager*** | 149113 | STSOL | 186 (DE), 190, 407, 457, 489 (S/T) | VETASSESS |
Sports Development Officer | 452321 | STSOL | 186 (DE), 190, 407, 457, 489 (S/T) | VETASSESS |
Sportspersons (nec) | 452499 | STSOL | 186 (DE), 190, 407, 457, 489 (S/T) | VETASSESS |
Stage Manager | 212316 | STSOL | 186 (DE), 190, 407, 457, 489 (S/T) | VETASSESS |
Statistician | 224113 | MLTSSL | 186 (DE), 407, 457 | VETASSESS |
Stockbroking Dealer | 222213 | STSOL | 186 (DE), 190, 407, 457, 489 (S/T) | VETASSESS |
Stonemason | 331112 | MLTSSL | 186 (DE), 189 (PT), 190, 407, 457, 485 (GW), 489 (F), 489 (S/T) | TRA |
Structural Engineer | 233214 | MLTSSL | 186 (DE), 189 (PT), 190, 407, 457, 485 (GW), 489 (F), 489 (S/T) | Engineers Australia |
Student Counsellor | 272115 | STSOL | 186 (DE), 190, 407, 457, 489 (S/T) | VETASSESS |
Sugar Cane Grower*** | 121217 | STSOL | 186 (DE), 407, 457, 489 (S/T) | VETASSESS |
Supply and Distribution Manager*** | 133611 | STSOL | 186 (DE), 190, 407, 457, 489 (S/T) | AIM |
Surgeon (General) | 253511 | MLTSSL | 186 (DE), 189 (PT), 190, 407, 457, 485 (GW), 489 (F), 489 (S/T) | Medical Board of Australia |
Surveyor | 232212 | MLTSSL | 186 (DE), 189 (PT), 190, 407, 457, 485 (GW), 489 (F), 489 (S/T) | SSSI |
Swimming Coach or Instructor | 452315 | STSOL | 186 (DE), 190, 407, 457, 489 (S/T) | VETASSESS |
Systems Administrator | 262113 | STSOL | 186 (DE), 190, 407, 457, 489 (S/T) | ACS |
Systems Analyst | 261112 | MLTSSL | 186 (DE), 189 (PT), 190, 407, 457, 485 (GW), 489 (F), 489 (S/T) | ACS |
Taxation Accountant*** | 221113 | MLTSSL | 186 (DE), 189 (PT), 190, 407, 457, 485 (GW), 489 (F), 489 (S/T) | CAANZ/CPAA/IPA |
Teacher of English to Speakers of Other Languages | 249311 | STSOL | 186 (DE), 190, 407, 457, 489 (S/T) | VETASSESS |
Teacher of the Hearing Impaired | 241512 | MLTSSL | 186 (DE), 189 (PT), 190, 407, 457, 485 (GW), 489 (F), 489 (S/T) | AITSL |
Teacher of the Sight Impaired | 241513 | MLTSSL | 186 (DE), 189 (PT), 190, 407, 457, 485 (GW), 489 (F), 489 (S/T) | AITSL |
Technical Cable Jointer | 342212 | MLTSSL | 186 (DE), 189 (PT), 190, 407, 457, 485 (GW), 489 (F), 489 (S/T) | TRA |
Technical Director | 212317 | STSOL | 186 (DE), 190, 407, 457, 489 (S/T) | VETASSESS |
Technical Sales Representatives (nec) including, but not limited to, education sales representatives*** | 225499 | STSOL | 186 (DE), 190, 407, 457, 489 (S/T) | VETASSESS |
Technical Writer | 212415 | STSOL | 186 (DE), 190, 407, 457, 489 (S/T) | VETASSESS |
Telecommunications Engineer | 263311 | MLTSSL | 186 (DE), 189 (PT), 190, 407, 457, 485 (GW), 489 (F), 489 (S/T) | Engineers Australia |
Telecommunications Field Engineer | 313212 | MLTSSL | 186 (DE), 189 (PT), 190, 407, 457, 485 (GW), 489 (F), 489 (S/T) | Engineers Australia |
Telecommunications Linesworker | 342413 | STSOL | 186 (DE), 190, 407, 457, 489 (S/T) | TRA |
Telecommunications Network Engineer | 263312 | MLTSSL | 186 (DE), 189 (PT), 190, 407, 457, 485 (GW), 489 (F), 489 (S/T) | Engineers Australia |
Telecommunications Network Planner | 313213 | MLTSSL | 189 (PT), 407, 485 (GW), 489 (F) | Engineers Australia |
Telecommunications Technical Officer or Technologist | 313214 | MLTSSL | 186 (DE), 189 (PT), 190, 407, 457, 485 (GW), 489 (F), 489 (S/T) | Engineers Australia |
Television Journalist | 212416 | STSOL | 186 (DE), 190, 407, 457, 489 (S/T) | VETASSESS |
Tennis Coach | 452316 | STSOL | 186 (DE), 190, 407, 457, 489 (S/T) | VETASSESS |
Textile, Clothing & Footwear Mechanic | 323215 | STSOL | 186 (DE), 190, 407, 457, 489 (S/T) | TRA |
Thoracic Medicine Specialist | 253324 | MLTSSL | 186 (DE), 189 (PT), 190, 407, 457, 485 (GW), 489 (F), 489 (S/T) | Medical Board of Australia |
Toolmaker | 323412 | STSOL | 186 (DE), 190, 407, 457, 489 (S/T) | TRA |
Traditional Chinese Medicine Practitioner | 252214 | STSOL | 186 (DE), 190, 407, 457, 489 (S/T) | Chinese Medicine Board of Australia |
Transport Company Manager*** | 149413 | STSOL | 186 (DE), 190, 407, 457, 489 (S/T) | VETASSESS |
Transport Engineer | 233215 | MLTSSL | 186 (DE), 189 (PT), 190, 407, 457, 485 (GW), 489 (F), 489 (S/T) | Engineers Australia |
University Lecturer (Suitable for the position of Research Associate or Research Fellow in a University)*** | 242111 | MLTSSL | 186 (DE), 407, 457 | VETASSESS |
Upholsterer | 393311 | STSOL | 186 (DE), 190, 407, 457, 489 (S/T) | TRA |
Urban & Regional Planner | 232611 | STSOL | 186 (DE), 190, 407, 457, 489 (S/T) | VETASSESS |
Urologist | 253518 | MLTSSL | 186 (DE), 189 (PT), 190, 407, 457, 485 (GW), 489 (F), 489 (S/T) | Medical Board of Australia |
Valuer | 224512 | MLTSSL | 186 (DE), 189 (PT), 190, 407, 457, 485 (GW), 489 (F), 489 (S/T) | VETASSESS |
Vascular Surgeon | 253521 | MLTSSL | 186 (DE), 189 (PT), 190, 407, 457, 485 (GW), 489 (F), 489 (S/T) | Medical Board of Australia |
Vegetable Grower (Aus) / Market Gardener (NZ)*** | 121221 | STSOL | 186 (DE), 407, 457, 489 (S/T) | VETASSESS |
Vehicle Body Builder | 324211 | STSOL | 186 (DE), 190, 407, 457, 489 (S/T) | TRA |
Vehicle Trimmer | 324212 | STSOL | 186 (DE), 190, 407, 457, 489 (S/T) | TRA |
Veterinarian | 234711 | MLTSSL | 186 (DE), 189 (PT), 190, 407, 457, 485 (GW), 489 (F), 489 (S/T) | AVBC |
Veterinary Nurse | 361311 | STSOL | 186 (DE), 190, 407, 457, 489 (S/T) | VETASSESS |
Video Producer | 212318 | STSOL | 186 (DE), 190, 407, 457, 489 (S/T) | VETASSESS |
Visual Arts & Crafts Professionals (nec) | 211499 | STSOL | 186 (DE), 190, 407, 457, 489 (S/T) | VETASSESS |
Wall & Floor Tiler | 333411 | MLTSSL | 186 (DE), 189 (PT), 190, 407, 457, 485 (GW), 489 (F), 489 (S/T) | TRA |
Watch & Clock Maker & Repairer | 323316 | STSOL | 186 (DE), 190, 407, 457, 489 (S/T) | TRA |
Web Administrator | 313113 | STSOL | 186 (DE), 190, 407, 457, 489 (S/T) | ACS |
Web Designer | 232414 | STSOL | 186 (DE), 190, 407, 457, 489 (S/T) | VETASSESS |
Web Developer*** | 261212 | STSOL | 186 (DE), 190, 407, 457, 489 (S/T) | ACS |
Welder (First Class) | 322313 | MLTSSL | 186 (DE), 189 (PT), 190, 407, 457, 485 (GW), 489 (F), 489 (S/T) | TRA |
Welfare Centre Manager | 134214 | MLTSSL | 186 (DE), 189 (PT), 190, 407, 457, 485 (GW), 489 (F), 489 (S/T) | ACWA |
Welfare Worker | 272613 | STSOL | 186 (DE), 190, 407, 457, 489 (S/T) | ACWA |
Wine Maker*** | 234213 | STSOL | 186 (DE), 407, 457, 489 (S/T) | VETASSESS |
Wood Machinist | 394213 | STSOL | 186 (DE), 190, 407, 457, 489 (S/T) | TRA |
Wood Machinists & Other Wood Trades Workers (nec) | 394299 | STSOL | 186 (DE), 190, 407, 457, 489 (S/T) | TRA |
Youth Worker | 411716 | STSOL | 186 (DE), 190, 407, 457, 489 (S/T) | ACWA |
Zoologist | 234518 | MLTSSL | 186 (DE), 407, 457 | VETASSESS |