US Ambassador says the most powerful person in the Sri Lankan government is Tilvin: Sri Lankan politics

US Ambassador Julie Chan and the senior advisor of the JVP political party of Sri Lanka, Tilvin Silva

US Ambassador Julie Chan and the senior advisor of the JVP political party of Sri Lanka, Tilvin Silva. Image - Tilvin Silva official Facebook page

Tune in to the "Weekly Sri Lankan Political Review" presented by SBS Sinhala, featuring journalist Manoj Udatiawala from Sri Lanka. Please note that the two segments broadcasted during the live program have been combined and are now available on the website as a single program.

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ඉදිරියේදී නිව් සවුත් වේල්ස්හි මනෝ වෛද්‍යවරුන්ගේ දැඩි හිගයක්: කාලීන විග්‍රහය පෙබ 03

SBS Sinhala

