Aussie Focus

Toleni mo lou sa'olotoga.

Toleni mo lou sa'olotoga. O se fale toleni i se pitonu'u i Sisifo o Sini o loo pulea ma faafoeina e se alii ua tele tausaga o lona soifua o saisaia i falepuipui.

Joe Kwon – Confit Gym founder (SBS-Rayane Tamer).jpg

Joe Kwon – Confit Gym founder (SBS-Rayane Tamer).

O le fale toleni le Confit Gym i Parramatta i Sisifo o Sini o loo faamoemoe e maua ai se avanoa e le gata ina faamalosi ai le tino, ae toe fuata'ina ai le soifuaga.

E le na o le si'i u'amea mamafa ma le faaputuga o le maso, ae o le Confit Gym, o loo pulea ma faafoeina e tagata o ni pagota ua sa'oloto ma le o toe fia ulufale i totonu o pa o se falepuipui.

O se tasi o i latou o Joe Kwon, le pule o le Confit Gym.

"All our trainers have had that lived experience, they've all hit rock bottom, but they've used fitness to transform their lives around. It's a story of redemption. You can't help people who don't want to change - but for those who do want a second chance, we should give it to them as a society."

Na faaalia e Joe Kwon e tele tausaga i lona soifuaga talavou na maumau ona o ana soligatulafono na saisaia ai o ia i falepuipui i New South Wales.

"I grew up in a very marginalised community, a lot of violence. There was a huge gang culture. But at a young age, I ended up going to prison. I spent nine years behind bars. When I got out I realised it was very hard to get community support."

Ina ua tatalaina o ia, na ia faavaeina ai le faalapotopotoga Confit Pathways, e fesoasoani i tupulaga o loo feagai ma faafitauli o le soifuaga ma le tulafono. E le gata i lea, e fesoasoani ai fo'i i pagota faato'a tatala i tua e maua ai se feiloa'iga ma talanoa i auala e 'alo 'ese mai ai ma soligatulafono.

O le Confit Gym, na faaalia e Joe Kwon e fa'aaoga ai le faamalosi tino e tosina 'ese ai se tagata mai le faia o le solitulafono ae faasino i le tausiga o lona tino ma lona mafaufau.

"There's so many inmates training everyday, it's part of their living, it becomes purpose to them, to wake up everyday, to train. So why don't we get them skilled up and get them to become qualified fitness trainers so they can have employment on the outside?" 

O le tama'ita'i o Danielle Hogan ua 28 tausaga lona matua ma o se tasi o faia'oga poo fitness coaches i le Confit Gym.

Na ia ta'ua le tele o tausaga na feagai ai ma faafitauli o vaila'au faasaina ma sauaga i totonu o lona aiga.

E 17 masina na falepuipui ai Danielle Hogan, ae ina ua sa'oloto i le 7 masina talu ai, na ia feso'ota'i ai i le Confit. Ua ia molimau ai i le suiga tele i lona soifuaga i le polokalame.

"From the minute you're arrested there's labels on labels on labels that are continuously placed on you - and you actually start to believe them, which is the saddest part. It took a really long time to realise I am worthy of more and so this is why being at Confit, I know I am fulfilling that worth."  

Na ia ta'ua le aoga o lana galuega ona o loo galulue faatasi ma isi tagata na faaigoaina o pagota ma 'amusia e tagata lautele.

O le autu o le polokalame, o le toe fotua'i o le soifuaga o se tagata na saisaia i falepuipui e auala i le faamalosi tino.

"For the last 10 years I was stuck in this loop of addiction, domestic violence, I honestly just forgot the person I was, the amazing family I come from, my capability at the end of the day, my self worth - it's awesome to see being with all of my team that we're all on our separate missions but doing what we can to help one another get there."

I Ausetalia, o le 85 pasene o tupulaga talavou e tatala i tua mai nofoaga saisai e toe faia solitulafono ma toe saisaia ai i totonu mai o le 12 masina.

Na saunoa Garner Clancey o se Associate Professor of Criminology i le Iunivesite o Sini, o polokalame nei e pei o le Confit Pathway, e aoga tele e fesoasoani ai i tupulaga talavou i le taimi o tatala i tua i aiaiga.
"We know that intensive support, particularly for those people who are newly released, is really critical. We know increasingly support by people who've been on a similar journey can be really powerful and we know that the key things like employment and accommodation can make an incredible difference to someone's pathways to desistance."  


(Ripoti na faamaopoopoina e Rayane Tamer mo le SBS News)

Published 18 January 2024 12:08pm
Updated 18 January 2024 12:14pm
By Rayane Tamer
Presented by Ioane Tiperio Lafoa'i
Source: SBS

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