Arty. Julia Tsvetkova

16 July 2020, Russia, Moskau: Artist Julia Zwetkowa can be seen on the screen of an iPad during the video chat with the dpa correspondent. The young Russian artist has already spent months under house arrest for her drawings of naked women. (to dpa: ""My

Artist Julia Zwetkowa can be seen on the screen of an iPad during the video chat with the dpa correspondent. Source: Ulf Mauder/picture alliance via Getty Images

Russian artist and activist Yulia Tsvetkova faces from 2 to 6 years in prison for "distributing pornography" - body-positive feminist drawings (this content is available in Russian only).

Conversation with Sydney art critic Ksenia Radchenko and Amnesty International Deputy Director for Eastern Europe and Central Asia Denis Krivosheev.
Ksenia Radchenko
Ксения Радченко Source: Supplied by Ksenia Radchenko
