What are Ramadan and Eid and how are they celebrated in Australia?

Lantern With Moon Symbol And Mosque Shape Background. Ramadan Kareem And Islamic New Year Concept.

Photo taken in Bangkok, Thailand Credit: Songyuth Unkong / EyeEm/Getty Images

Tuñi hono din baíffo né Ramzan ar Eid hodé iba musalman ór butore,ar hondilla zoruri de yan tuañar musalman fuñwaíjjo ókkollollah,ar tuañár jiran ólla?

Key Points
  • Ramadan is the holiest month in Islam during which healthy adult Muslims fast from dawn to dusk.
  • Eid al-Fitr is a three-day celebration of end of the holy month of fasting.
  • Muslim Australians bring their distinctive cultural practices to the celebration of Eid.
Australia oíyedekí zaga tokribon 813,000 musalman ólla dunia ár 1.97 billion musalman ór butore.

Australia ya dolla ekan majmuk dec ót,hoífariba de yani oínno majmuk oínno solasol kaum loí mili ya fuñwaíjja nó bano de yan.

Buzon ar izot samon goron oínno dormo ar solasol óre oílediki zoriya behtor kohesif majmuk comaj boni bolla.

Australia ár musalman ar oínno zagar musalman ramzan ibat ór mac iba curu gore eík mac ólla.

Man praying in the sunset (Pixabay).jpg
The Islamic Hijri calendar, is based on the cycles of the moon around the Earth. Credit: Pixabay

Toí,Ramzan hode iba ki?

Ramzan oíyedeki nó mac or mac musalman ór bosor mac ór butore,ar zedugun boro akol manúic oíyede itarar óre foroz bone ruza doribolla,fuñwaíttattú maghrib fan.

Associate Professor Zuleyha Keskin ziba neíki Associate Head of the Centre for Islamic Studies and Civilisation at Charles Stuart University in Melbourne ase.
Iba yé hoddeíki,beci bala gori desiplin ar cikibar mauka musalman ólla ramzan mac ibat.

Ramadan is considered the holiest month of the year for Muslims and that makes it a very special month.
Associate Professor Zuleyha Keskin, Associate Head of the Centre for Islamic Studies and Civilisation at Charles Stuart University, Melbourne.
Musalman ór kalender iba re hijri hó kalender hó,san ór fira loí hota.Zehon normal mac loí 10 óttu 12 din fan forok také,eíttal musalman ór eíd banadé thaím ó bodoli aíye fottí bosor ót.

Bosor ibat Ramzan mac foíjje déíki 22 Mac óttu 20 April fan.

Shot of a young muslim woman pouring drinks for her family
A meal with loved ones during Ramadan. Source: iStockphoto / PeopleImages/Getty Images/iStockphoto

Musalman óttu ruza kiyallla dora foré?

Ruza (Sawm Arabic) oíyedeki fas tuni asede islam ór ibar buttottú uggwá,zindilla neiki islam ór rtuni asé-shadat,nuwaz,sodka,ruza ar hoj.

Ruza ár thaím ót,musalman óttu cikot,bo zamai ír milazula,gucca,baza bazi ya horof ham asede iín óttu basi ta foribo.

Iín ór óttu,aro oínno ibadot zindilla neiki nuwaz,duwa ar quran fora buzi ar sodka bala ham goribar cuwaris gora za.Beca beci musalman ókkol ruza bañgi baade, iftari gori baade mosoít ót za.

Director of the Centre for Arab and Islamic Studies Australian National University, Professor Karima Laachir hoddé ramzan hode mac iba yattu waro aro beci maksus asé hana fani na haíbar baade.

"Yan zoruri deíki,iba oíyedeíki mac ibadat ór,iba oíyedéíki mac ziba ót Alla loí daha ón," buzadde Prof Laachir ye.

It's a month where we re-learn to be compassionate human beings, to understand the needs of people who are poor, who cannot afford to eat and reconnect with the world around us.
Professor Karima Laachir, Centre for Arab and Islamic Studies, ANU
Professor Laachir ye hoddéki yan ekan ibadot ór hissa óttu ya baade faíde yo asé gara aramiyot ólla ruza doílle.

"Ga loí sáílle beci aram.Kiyalla hoílle gar metabolism hoddé iba boççe,toksik óttu garé saf gore.Toí yan sobut oíyedeíki galla hondilla bala de yan zindilla neiki ''intemintent'' ruz aho iíndilla. ”
Friends gathering for eating dinner together
Healthy adult Muslims are required to fast from dawn to dusk during Ramadan. Source: Moment RF / Jasmin Merdan/Getty Images

Eid hode iba ki?

Toí baade fura mac ruza hotom gori baade aíyedeki Eid.
Arabic lofzot Eíd mani ''kuci manon'' ''mela''.Duí yan eid ase islamik kalender ót.Eid al-Fitr ar Eid al-Adha.

Eid al-Fitr, ibara re coço eid dora za ar tin din mana ramzan mac hotom oíbade .

Eid o banaí bo kintu sodka yo gora foribo,ziba neíki zakat al-Fits hó také gorib gonnda yo banaífaré eid.

Professor Laachir hoddéki , Eid al-Fitr hodé iba oíyedeíki manon ''rapata ra maaf magi bar mouka''
yan óttu dubara mancúir rohani saf ar mosbut ó.

Ya baade gura fuaínde kuci banaí faribo,noya fuñwaíjja banaí faribo ar nizor solasol loí buzi faribo.

Tradicionalni muslimanski roditelji i njihova djeca dijele lepinju tokom iftara u Ramazanu
In most Islamic countries, Eid al-Fitr is a public holiday. Source: iStockphoto / Drazen Zigic/Getty Images/iStockphoto
Noya bazu kinon has gori gura fuaíndolla,gor saf goron ar miça ar hana jinis ókkol fagon Eid din ór toyarilla.

Eí bosor ór Eid foribo déíki 21 ya 22 April san sa loí hota.Muslam man ór kelender ót din iba cuttír din.

Eid al-Adha, ziba re neiki ''kurbani Eid'' huwaza iba bosor ór Haj hotom oíbade goredé ar Nabi Ibrahim ór Allah ar hota manon ólla bana zadé zeítte neíki nizor fuñwa Ismail óre kurbani goítte sáíye Alla ár namé.
Members of the Muslim community celebrate Eid al-Fitr, marking the end of the month-long fast of Ramadan with prayer at Lakemba Mosque in Sydney. Source: AAP / DEAN LEWINS/AAPIMAGE

Australia ár musalman yé Eid kengóri bana?

Eid al-Fitr iba has nuwaz loí curu foílla Shawal ót.

Jamat nuwaz fora mosoít ót ar oínno cómaj ór senthár ót zeçe neíki ekzon loí ar ekzon loí gola mila ar ""Eid muabrak ho".

Egana gucí ar fuñwaíjja ókkol yo dola ó Eid ót.

''Iín beci egana gucu dola oí kuci bana de jinis,tin fan ekzon ór gorrottu ar ekzon ór gorot za,hana fani kaes ar oínno jini sha,''Prof Laachir yé hoddé.

kintu Australia ár musalman yo hoto dilla majmuk cómaj óttu aíccede. Eítalla Eid manon ót ekana gori forok taíbo.

Large crowds filled the Mosque in Lakemba and lined the streets to mark the end of the holy month of Ramadan, Sydney. Source: AAP / JANE DEMPSTER/AAPIMAGE
Ali Awan iba oíyedekiki Pakistani ziba hameca masrof také Eid ót .Iba ye Australia ár butore sobse boro Eid ór mela naal gore.

Iba ye hodde beca beci forok ase koum ór butore .Eítlla iba ye yan kucic gorede ki zohon Australian Multicultural Eid Festival ór boro oíye beggun óre fuñwati ekan zagat dola gori rapta gori don.

''Hudun ye ar eikdilla hana bana,bazu libez forok asé Eid ót finibolla,toí Eid banaí baccot aktiviti waninin goille ekkúi dilla gori banaí faribo eid iba."Hodde Awan yé.

During the Eid festival, we try to bring together all of the different performances, different cultures into one place and that’s the beauty of Australia.
Ali Awan, Australian Multicultural Eid Festival
Professor Laachir yo razi oíye mani Australia ár Eid manon aro beci zobor dos zehon hotodilla zat ór eík dormo ór Eid bana oínno musal man ór dec óttu waro sáíle .

“Australia át yan beci cundur deki,mela Eid ór mela hoto dilla cómaji senthar ar lokel mosoít ót bana,zeçé neiki hoto zatir manúic dola oífare fuñwati banaí nbolla.''Iba ye hodde.
