Refugee Week hodé iba ki?Ar ar fottí bosor yé ka bana Australia át?

Refugee Week hodé iba uggwá zoruri bosor yé banadé aktiviti awam manúic oré zanai dibolla refuji ír baabote ar tara Australia ar sosaítilla positif jinis ókkol goíjjede yan manaí bolla.


Credit: Getty Images/bymuratdeniz

Key Points
  • Refugee Week is Australia’s peak annual activity to inform the public about refugees.
  • Each year, Refugee Week has a different theme.
  • Refugee Council of Australia runs many programs all year round to raise awareness about refugees.
  • In the past decade, refugee numbers have more than doubled.

Fottí bosor yé,lak lak manúic ókkol óttu tarar dec óttu neíli zagoí foré hefazot ólla.

Australia át Refugee Week iba Roíbar óttu Conibar fan mana eçe butore 20 Jun goílla ase ziba néíki
Foíla Refugee Week iba Sydney ít banaíl 1986 ót Austcare yé.1987 ót Refugee Council of Australia (RCOA) co-organiser boínne hafta ibar ar jinis iba National tobka át mana de jinis ogiyoí tarfor bosor yé.RCOA zimma loí felaí yé national Refugee Week naal goribolla 2004 óttu loti .

Adama Kamar,ziba neíki RCOA ír DEputy Chief Executive offiser asé,hodé Refugee Week ibar butore ekan maksud asede ki refuji yé zedugun positif jinis ókkol goíjje Australia ár sosaítilla iín manaí bolla.

Adama Kamara Deputy CEO RCOA
Adama Kamara, RCOA’s Deputy Chief Executive Officer. Credit: RCOA
The overall aim is for us to have a better understanding between refugee communities and non-refugee communities … and be more welcoming of each other.
Adama Kamara, Deputy Chief Executive Officer, RCOA

Refugee Week's bosor or theme

Fottí bosor ót rEfugeek Week ót olok
Yan zanaí bolla mosola ókkol Australia ár dunia aga gurar Refuji ye samna gorede yan ór baabote ar cómaj ore butore ehsas ané fan refuji bonilé hondilla lagé de yan.

Theme ibr zoriya yé borar bor ekkúi dilla gori cómaj ót poígam foñsaí faré dec ór butore ar kempen ar aktiviti gorede yan ót asor goré.

Fotti bosor theme asede yan ór zoriya yé harmoni ar etafak,fuñwati asede yan foída goré ar har uggwá manuíc,cómaj ar oraganization óre fuñwati ane tarar wujudi maksus ser goribola. Yan dore gore buzazadeíki añara alok de hasé kintu ser cómaji ít añara fuñwati así.

Refuji ór himmot bordashi

oíyede uggwá Sydney ír ukil ar Refugee Week ór ambassador.Ib Assyrian fémli ír butore dor oíye Irak ót ar Jordan,Turkey ar Greece baí sofor Australia át fana no faí bar agottú 1994.

Mr Slewa hodde ki inter-generational zala fura toklif iín homibolla bosora bosori lagé kintu gom aí oi faré zedice refuji yé tarar nizor “settlement journey”.Iba curu goílle.

Iba ye buzedeíki refuji ókkol óttu gom oí oibar sabi oíyedeíki ''himmot bordashi'' zeí din Australia at theñk diyo eídin curu.

Talking to others, sharing your stories, being able to openly discuss that journey without prejudice, and being accepted is what it comes down to [for refugees]. Being accepted, acknowledged and respected, I think, helps the healing process.
Oliver Slewa, RCOA ambassador
RCOA ambassador, Oliver Slewa
RCOA ambassador, Oliver Slewa Source: Supplied / Supplied by RCOA

Samne muntu porogaram

Hoto dilla porogaram ar aktivit ókkol RCOA ye entazan gre Refugee Week ót ar oínno thaóm ót.

is hodé iba uggwá porogaram Refugee Week ót banadé. Iba oíyedeki jinis ókkol RCOA ambassador ore entazam gorede.
Refuji speaker yé ser gore tarra kissa ar sofor ar fonna foroyo ókkollore mauka de refuji ír babaote cikibolla ar tarar balaí Australia ár butore buzibolla.

Iín beggún primary ar secondary eskul ar macot ólla khas gori banaí yede.

Face-2-Face program workshop
Face-2-Face program workshop Credit: RCOA

Dec sara oíjar goí de manúic zeto dobel ór

dos butor ór butore , 41 million óttu 103 million ( June 2022).

, ye hoddé ki har 95 zon manúic ór butore 1 zon bedec oíjar goí. 159 zon aíccil 2010, ya beci oí jar goí zeto manúic bec ór.

Ms Kamara hodde ki RCOA yé Australia ór sorkar óre aros gorede ki refuji ókkol aro golaí bolla Humanitarian Program ór butore.

Published 24 June 2023 6:08am
By Roza Germian
Source: SBS

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