
'Ya la curu': Senate bouth ólla Voice referendum oíbo só mac ór butore

The passage of the legislation means the Voice referendum must be held between two and six months from today.

Two women embrace each other in parliament house.

The legislation on the Indigenous Voice referendum question has passed federal parliament, a development that moves the nation closer to a referendum date being determined. Source: AAP / Lukas Coch

  • More than 17 million Australians are registered to vote in the referendum later this year.
  • The passage of the Voice referendum bill triggers the process of setting a firm date for the vote.
  • The date must be set within two months and six months from today.
Australia ár manúic yé oficially bouth dibou Voice to Parliament olla só mac or butore ,bill zehon fas oíye Senate ót 52 bouth loí 19 baade.

Parlimen yé tarar akhiri muckil haçaí faíjjé referendum ór baabote Combar din,

Ya la Australia ár manúic yé faísala goribo ki
main 2017 Uluru Statement from the Heart - Yan ór awaz konstitucen ót golaí boné yan.

Oí kempen goíjjede itara elan goíjje 'parlimen ór ham hotom oíyede yan''ya la oíyede ki ham tçeli bolla konstitucen ót bodoli ani bolla.
Minister for Indigenous Australians Linda Burney ibay e hoddeki yan ólla boli Australia óttu beci ar deri naí Indigenous Australians ore konstitucen ót golaí ar eknoledg goribolla ar 'behtor dec aro behtor '' oíbolla.

''Iba aíjja curu oíye,polotik ór mata mati hotom.Aíjja añara cómaj ór level ót mocwara curu gori faíjjum,"iba yé hoddé.

''Beci deri fan,Indigenous Australian non-indigenous wattú waro bura halot ót aíccil...sistem iba bañga.Voice (awaz) oíyedeki añarar bala mauka soí goribolla.kiyalla hoíle zeíthe neíki loukel loí dola oí ar mocwara gori behtor faísala hasil gori fari.''

Labor ye yan dobos goredeki ,Voice oíyedeki uggwá mocawara raí dibar body ziba ye neíki Australia Indigenous óre mauka dede parlimen ar sorkar ore tarra issu úr babaote raí dibolla.

kiccsu keritj façi ye hoddeki ki jinis yan ót ris ase ar oínno zon hodde ki Indigenous ór manúic óre eddur power nó diboude yan.

The first referendum in nearly a quarter of a century will take place sometime between two and six months from Monday, though Prime Minister Anthony Albanese has flagged it will take place this year.

Foílla referendum focos bosor or butore Combar óttu loti bana dui ya só mac laíbode,kintu Wizar azam Anthony Albanese bosor ibat hoíyede hasa.

''Yan oíyedeiki zindi ekbar mauka añarar dec óre aro mahan goribolla,''iba ye elan goredde.
A woman raises her fist as she walks in the parliament.
Independent Senator Lidia Thorpe reacts after the passing of the Voice to Parliament in the Senate chamber at Parliament House. Source: AAP / Lukas Coch

'Hok hota hoílé,bec edok manúic yé bana saí taíbo,ar tarar óre hono ekan dierk asor naí.Kintu iba ólla boli zindi behtor óit faré Australia ár sobse luksan ót asede façilla...tuñyo ekkúi dilla goílle ekkúi faísala faíba.

''Ýan oíyedeiki mauka behtor goribolla .Indigenous Australia ye Indigenous Australia ólla.''

Coalition ye referendum bill yan ólla zur gorer

Voice ór helaf de hañsa coalition ye zur lage Combar yé.

Liberal frontbencher Michaelia Cash behes goredeki Ye bouth iba ''no bodoliobode yan'' Australia ár konstitucen,itara dabi goredeki Labor ye namakiyab oíye detail dibar baabote kengóri ''alok'' façi iba ham goribode yan.

"[But] we believe in the people of this nation, and their right to have a say on this issue," she said.

''kintu añara bica gorideki ,yan oíyedeki alok goron,ar zindigibor ólla.Zedice tuñi nózani lé Voice kengóri ham goribode yan añarar mocwara oíyedeíki Nó boputh dibolla.''

Coalition Indigenous Australians spokeswoman Jacinta Price, a Warlpiri/Celtic woman,
behes goredeki Parlimen óre hosora gori rakon ze i referendum ót fura kanuni ris asede eçe.

"Prime minister yan saddeíki ibar hali cek gan saín goron toíbade ibar mocwara ziyan hor yan manon fura zindigi bor ólla añarar konstitucen ót taí zabo goí,zeíthe neíki iba ye kicu garenti di nafarer,'' iba ye hodde.

Kicu Coalition member ókkole helf goíjja bill yan ór ,formal reerendum ót NO hoíyare gona záíbo zin neíki bouth dibode tarar hasé diya zaíbo.

Greens welcome goíjje 'hakiki histori din iba'

Greens Indigenous Australians spokeswoman Dorinda Cox, ziba ye neiki ibar fa isal bodoílle Treaty and Truth baícce ar Voice baade aícce hoddeki iba ekan , heralded a "hakiki histori ír din y" First Nations Australia ar manúic ólla.

''Parlimen ór ham hotom.Yala Yes kempen goron cóamj loí buzáí bolla referendum iba hondilla zoruri de yan ,ar Voice Parlimen ólla hondilla zoruri de yan,''iba ye hodde.

''Yan bana zururita ór curu.Añarattú Firts Nation ór manúic ór hok wapes diya foribo.Ar Truth and Treaty ír baabote you ham sola ta foribo.''

Senator Cox yan dobos lagede ki Voice yan ye hono Indigenous hok hokumat hom no goribo ibare zehon hoto bar tiyaíye independent senator Lidia Thorpe, Green óttu neli goyoí Voice ór kempen ót.

"Sobut do!" Senator Thorpe bar bar hode.

Lidia Thorpe uzor 'Nokoli ar dikawa' Voice

Senator Thorpe, a DjabWurrung, Gunnai ar Gunditjmara beçi buzaddeki Combat oíyedki , s "milai ye de din " ar Australia ár manúic óre boykot goítto hor referendum iba.

Usol gori hor Senator Thorpe buzaddeki ki kanun yan ''zoloí maíjja taíbo hobor ót ''kintu ajo zanibar ase hondilla gori oíbode yan .

''Añí ibat bouth No diyoumde ziba neiki beci bura añararé power nó dibou,''iba ye hodde.

''Añar manúic óre power nó de de jinis ót añí bouth di na faíjjum.Zeí power ót ase te baícce de jinis ót añi bol di na faíjjum.''

Woman poses with group of people in 'yes' t-shirts.
Minister for Indigenous Australians Linda Burney poses for a photo with 40 members of Jawun at Parliament House in Canberra. Source: AAP / Mick Tsikas
''Firs People óre recognize goílle hok hokumat dilé,kolonial hotom oíbode,intitucion ziba ase ehon iba,''iba ye hodde.

''Oi añi eçe asi de dola manúic ór power ziba asede iba hotom goribolla.''

Senator Thorpe, ziba ye neíki bazu finné leka loí 'Gammin' behes ót thaím ót yuan deman goredeki Parliament óttu ziyan mocwara diye Royal Commission into Aboriginal deaths in custody yan ór mocwara mani bolla.
Lidia Thorpe sitting in the Senate. She is wearing a grey t-shirt with the word 'Gammin' written in white
Independent senator Lidia Thorpe reacts during debate on the Voice to Parliament in the Senate chamber at Parliament House. Source: AAP / Lukas Coch
"Gammin, aañara hoí farideki nokoli ar dikawa,''iba ye hodde.

''Añara funi deíki cundur kissa okkol,kengóri añarar zindi soí goribode yan.Mosola hal goribo de yan.Añara kiccu gori no fajjum yo ..referendum iba baade,eçe fuaín ókkol ziyol ót morer.

Combar or behes ibat , Labor frontbencher Malarndirri McCarthy ye Australia ár manúic ore aros goredekki Yes bouth dibolla "Behtor samne ólla" ar hoddeki Voice yan ''beci zoruri'' Indigenous ór manúic ólla.

"[Indigenous people] manúic ye Australia ár beggun ór hase hodde fohor gori fare fan eí thaím ór eí dec ór histori ólla añara ek zon óre ar ekzon ore tuli fari fan,''iba ye hodde.

"Añarar First Nation ye ehsas gori faribode ki tarar yo eí zagar hissa."

Pauline Hanson komen dibade behez or ton óre bafaza

One Nation senator Pauline Hanson ye yan aros goredeki Australia yar manúic ye soal goribolla ''kiyalla'' Stolen Generation oígiyoide yan Senator McCarthysinta doíjje aíde mac or debat ót.

Senator McCarthy aros goredeki ''finibolla behtor tuañar saíd ór'' “debat yan óttu .

“Añrtu sinta lagé komen hudun fúni baade,''iba ye hodde .
Red-headed woman in jacket speaks.
Senator McCarthy conceded concern over the tenor of the debate, just moments after Pauline Hanson's (pictured) comments. Source: AAP / Lukas Coch

"Añi aros gorideki beci mur gori saíbolla,behtor tuañar sáíd asede yan loí funi boll behez ibattu ar izot rakibolla.

''Toíbade añara behtor faç tuaí faíjjum de ekan dec oí behtor Australia ar manuic oí.

Senator Hanson hoddeki ki bece beci Stolen Generations ''no basi to'' zedice tararé alok nó goítto

“Tuñi hoífaro Stolen Generation baabote hodde yan.''ei thaím ót oíye'' fusar goro nizore kiyalla oíyede yan,''iba ye hodde.

1997 Bringing Them Home Repot óttu faíyedeki Indigenous fuaín dore tarar gorottú logiyoíde yan Insaniy hok or helaf.Tarare ziyol maron,biyam halot ót rakon,ar hom ham don.

Mr Albanese hoddeki ibaye Senator Hanson’ or hot ano sa kintu hoífarediki iba ye age zindilla hoíto iíndilla oíbode yan.

“Añrtu hono niyot naí ibar hot aorte respon dibolla yan priminesterial ór ham nó óíbo,kintu añi saídeki izot ót sate debat goribolla.

“Zeí zindilla bouth dibo dok,kintu advoket gorede itara bana hok hot agan hoíbade,”

Linda Burney hoddé Voice ibaye bodolaíbo

Referendum hode iba majoriti dabol oíle fas gorede-sobse majoriti fotti state ót.NT ar ACT residen baade.
Independent senator David Pocock hoddeki ACT ar NT ír manúic ottu ekkúidilla bouth ór hok naí.

Senator Pocock hodde ki coalation ye kucic goredeki referendum "the Canberra Voice" yan "eppuça soí noí".
''Yan faísala aíccedeki sobse bec mocwara ye Australia ár histori ír butore...Oí no bañgi to hong gora nó foítto.Kintu bañga oíle hong gora foribo.Yan oíyedeíki mauka soí goribolla,''iba ye hodde.

Indigenous Voice to Parliament oíldeki ekan aros ziyan nelaí ye Indigenous leaders ókkolle 2017 ót.

Eí bosr ibat Australia ár manúic ore fusar gora zaíbo referendum yan ór baabote bouth dibolla Oí ya Noí-ki tarar razi bodolibode yn ór baabote konstitucion ót permanent independent façi banai bolla zitara neíki parlimen ar sorkar óre Indigenous mosola ókkol buzáí bo.

Referendum kamiyab oíle desain iín mp ókkole nal goribo.

Ms Burney hode yan oílde ki bala torika target goribolla aramita ór baabote,socio-ekonomi ar lamba hayat ór baabote zin neíki tojurba oíye Aboriginal ar Torres Strait Islander manúic ór butore.

Noya update ókkol Closing The Gaps target -eçe daha za Indigenous ar non-Indigenous Australia ár manúic ór aramiyot,social ór aram ór babaote metrik ziyan geílde hafta daha giyé bana

''yan óttu boniyat bodoli aíbo ar zin farok rogiyoí iín hotom goribo,''.

''Power ziba ase iba perinsipalór butore taíbo-moral zimma ase ibat.Perisipal baabote bafo..Ga ga oíbo,bana ga ga alok mocwara parlimen ore dibou de noí kintu sorkar yo.

''zimmadarizan oíbo,cómaj ye leaderi goribo,ya la asedeboniyat ar oraganisetion loí goribo.''

' bureaucracy bare taíbot'
National Party leader ziba ase , David Littleproud, November ót elan goíjje de ki tar paçi ye No bouth dibou Voice for Parlimen ót.

Eí thaím ót iba ye nó bafédeíki soí soi purposla iba ye ''farok asede iín hotom'''goribo.

kintu iba ye ajo bafeddeki yan ólla konstitucen bodola no foribo.
''Sorkar ye billion dollar horsa goíjje mosola yan hal goribolla(farok hotom goribar) kintu añara golot totika loí goíjji,''ABC Radio re iba ye buzadde.

''Ekui borabor or niat hamica eçe asé,sirif gora forede,''iba ye hodde,Coalition sorkar ye 12 bosor fan aíccil de yan ólla boli mosola boínnede.

"Añara nakamiyab.Añrtu do naí hoíbolla sorkar ór kucic manai bar nakamiyab....bureaucracy nelai faille,toi farok hotom gori faíjum de.''

Juwab oildeki hal goron cómaj ór tobaka át Parlimen ór awaz sara.

''Murabbi ókkol cómajór butore-regional tobka ót noí-hissa loí foribo ar tarare empower gora foribo—-bureaucrats Canbera óttu nelaí foribo..townhall zon ar oín dron toí murabi leader ór hot afunon.''

Published 3 July 2023 8:30pm
By Finn McHugh, Biwa Kwan
Source: SBS

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