Capt Arvinder Pal Singh works as a Senior Marine Surveyor at Christy and Griffin in Newcastle.
Arvinder and his young family have settled in Newcastle under the State Nominated Skilled Visa program.
Under an annual agreement with the Commonwealth, NSW like other states and territories, nominates applicants for specified skilled, business and investor visas.
The NSW Department of Industry manages the state’s business, investor and skilled migration program.
The Department recently published Arvinder’s story as a case study to highlight the state’s migration program that nominates migrants with specific skills in occupations in demand.
Since arriving in Australia, Arvinder and his family have taken advantage of the many lifestyle and job opportunities available in the second most populated area in NSW.
“As a young migrant family, we feel very lucky and proud to be part of this local community," Arvinder told SBS Punjabi.
"We’re well-accepted by the people of this town,”
Capt Arvinder Singh presented as face of NSW’s skilled migration program
SBS Punjabi
“I’d highly recommend NSW as a top choice to anyone moving to Australia as a skilled migrant.”
“NSW has almost a bit of everything on offer which includes heaps of job opportunities, a better lifestyle, a healthy environment and much more.
"I think we’re still exploring the best out of it while living in the coastal city of New Castle.”
Arvinder, who hails from the city of Ludhiana in the northern state of Punjab in India, began his merchant navy career in 2004 as a Trainee Navigation Officer.
He says that initially he and his family were nervous about migrating to Australia.
“There are a whole range of issues like settling in a safe environment and having a lifestyle, but the most important was the job availability,” he said. “I am glad that eventually, things worked well for us.”
“I am employed by Christy and Griffin at the Newcastle port. Our company deals with marine surveying of international ships that come to Australia for various reasons including cargos for coal and grain.”
Located 162 kilometres north-northeast of Sydney, Newcastle is the largest coal exporting harbour in the world, exporting 160 million tonnes of coal in 2017.
to know more about NSW’s business, investor and skilled migration program.