More than 33 years after mass killings of Sikhs took place in New Delhi during the aftermath of the-then Prime Minister Indira Gandhi's assassination by her Sikh bodyguards, the Delhi High Court has ordered daily hearings in the acquittal case of the accused Congress leader Sajjan Kumar.
Turning down Mr Kumar’s lawyer’s request to hear the case only in the afternoon sessions, the court has scheduled day to day hearings in the case, from September 11th onwards.
The High Court’s order comes in the wake of a petition it had received earlier in the month of March that contained a CD, which reportedly contained Mr Kumar’s confession about accepting his role in the riots.
As a result of the petition, the court had then asked Mr Kumar to file a response.
Earlier in December 2016, Mr Kumar was granted anticipatory bail by the trial court in two cases involving the killing of three Sikhs during the pogroms in Delhi.
Official records state that more than 2,800 Sikhs were killed across India, including 2,100 in New Delhi alone in the violence which triggered after the assassination of the then Prime Minister Indira Gandhi on October 31, 1984.