Governo australiano anuncia nova estratégia nacional de segurança

Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull will unveil a plan to stop vehicle-based terror attacks

Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull will unveil a plan to stop vehicle-based terror attacks Source: AAP

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Na Austrália, o governo deve anunciar uma nova estratégia nacional de segurança para prevenir ataques com veículos como os ataques de Barcelona e de Melbourne, no início do ano.

O plano deve dar instruções de como as pessoas podem elas mesmas construir barreiras, pequenos postes de concreto, para evitar que um veiculo hostil ataque negócios, prefeituras e operadores privados.

Locais de esportes, shopping centres e ruas nas cidades serão contemplados pelo plano para locais movimentados.

O ministro federal dos Transportes, Darren Chester, disse que as orientações deverão garantir que o público tenha o maior nível possível de segurança:

"I think you are going to see more use of police and security agencies around mass gatherings where we are making sure we are keeping vehicles separate from where pedestrians may be crossing roads or accessing large thoroughfares. It is a constant battle for us. It is a tragic reflection of our times that we need to be taking these sorts of measures. At the same time we need to make sure that we get to enjoy the great freedoms we have in Australia. We can't let these very small number of people, these terrorists interrupt our great lifestyle in Australia."

O parlamentar trabalhista Mark Dreyfus, da oposição, disse que era importante que as medidas a serem anunciadas encontrem o ponto certo de equilíbrio entre a liberdade que se respira na Austrália e um estado de segurança extremo:

"That's the great test, always, in dealing with security issues - to make sure that we take the steps that are needed but, at the same time, don't give up all that's marvellous about our Australian way of life - the freedom that we enjoy, the freedom of movement... It's a very important part of our community, and I'd hate to think that, all of a sudden, we find ourselves living in a security state."

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