Você sabia que há mais de 250 nações indígenas na Austrália?

Aboriginal elder paints a fellow elder

Aboriginal elder paints a fellow elder Source: AAP Image by Dan Peled

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Ouça aqui a campanha #WalkWithUs da Rádio SBS, celebrando os primeiros povos da Austrália, a mais antiga civilização contínua do mundo, desde 50.000 anos atrás e, ainda, muitos australianos conhecem pouco da história aborígene.

Across television, radio, online and social media, SBS is continuing to share stories that celebrate Indigenous people and culture and also explore issues we face together as a nation, to contribute to a greater understanding and a better future for all Australians.

Two thirds of Australians have no connection with Indigenous Australia.

May 2017 marks the 50th anniversary of the 1967 referendum.
