Noongar Wellbeing is back for season two, sharing the perspectives of young people


Wellbeing as we know it now has been constructed from a Western perspective, so what does the oldest continuing culture in the world have to say about methods of achieving and maintaining wellbeing? In this season of Noongar Wellbeing Ballardong Whadjuk Noongar woman Brooke Collard yarns with young people about their perspectives on self care, community, and culture.

I want to lead with deep and radical love. And take that and put that back where it needs to be, and that's in our communities.
Ilona McGuire

On Season Two of Noongar Wellbeing, hear from Noongar youth on how they incorporate culture into their wellbeing, for self and community.

Launching Thursday October 31, listen to the trailer now.
english_noongar_wellbeing_trailer_publish.mp3 image

Noongar Wellbeing is back for season two, sharing the perspectives of young people



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Noongar Wellbeing is produced and presented by Brooke Collard.
