Follow the story of the last Yirrkala Bark Petition in One Mind One Heart

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Larissa Behrendt’s ‘The First Inventors’ (co-commissioned by NITV and Network 10) is one of the most anticipated releases of 2023

Larissa Behrendt's new documentary, One Mind One Heart features the powerful story of returning the last Yirrkala Bark Petition home

The Fourth Yirrkala Bark Petition was found in a residents home in Western Australia in 2022.

Larissa Behrendt had a yarn with NITV Radio to tell the story that she went on to create her new documentary and how returning it back to Yolngu Country was a significant cultural journey.

Alongside Yananymul Mununggurr, who's father was heavily involved in the Bark Petitions, Larissa shares the challenges, impacts, and continuing story that One Mind One Heart follows.
