Têkçûna hêviyên aştiyê piştî êrîşa li Enqerê cî girtî

Attack At Turkish Aerospace Industries Facility In Ankara

ANKARA, TURKEY- Security measures are taken outside the Turkish Aerospace Industries Corporation (TAI) facilities after an attack was carried out on October 23, 2024 in Ankara, Turkey. Credit: dia images/dia images via Getty Images

Nûçegîhan Hatice Kamer ji Amedê behsa êrîşa ku li ser kargeheke çekan li Enqerê bûyî dike, ku hukumeta Tirkiyê îdîa dike PKK ev kiryar kiriye. Ew herweha ji me re behsa serdana serokê CHPê Ozgur Ozel bo Diyarbekir dike.

Turkey Explosion
Security camera video, two people with guns and backpacks during an attack on the Turkish state-run aerospace and defence company (TUSAS ), Wednesday Oct. 23, 2024. Credit: Validated UGC via AP/AAP Image
