When renting a property, tenants have key rights and responsibilities.
A survey by Choice, National Shelter and the National Association of Tenant Organisations shows over 80 per cent of renters had a lease shorter than 12 months or dont have a fixed term.
Choice C-E-O Alan Kirkland says this leaves renters at risk.
The survey found one in four people needing urgent repairs to their rental property, waited more than a week for a response.
And one in seven renters didnt want to complain or request repairs, fearing a rent hike, blacklisting or eviction.
NSW Fair Trading Commissioner Rod Stowe says theyre working closely with community organisations in protecting tenants' rights.
Rod Stowe says when starting a tenancy, there are checks renters should make, and before signing, people should read their lease closely.
"So you need to read it through very thoroughly. One of the things you need to check for instance is, how long will the lease be for Will it be six months, will it be for twelve months? You need to know how the rent is to be paid. What intervals. You also need to make sure that you understand if there are repairs to be done. That the repairs will be done before you move in. Or if the landlord or the real estate agent is promising to make repairs; you need to make sure you get that in writing. So that you know it's very clear what's been agreed to between the parties," he said.
When moving in, it's the tenants' responsibility to fill in a condition report and return it to the agent or the landlord within seven days.
Renters also have certain rights during their tenancy.
Rod Stowe says renters should be able to continue to live in a way which doesn't disturb their normal activities.
"You are entitled for instance to have repairs undertaken. Similarly, you're entitled during that period of time to ask for additional things. So if you wanted to do some minor alterations to the property or if you wanted to keep a pet you have to ask permission. It's also a right of the tenant if the owner decides to sell the house, then there's a restriction on the number of times people can be shown through the house. You're also entitled to be given 60 days notice of any increase in the rents that you are paying to the landlord," he said.
In NSW tenants have the right to dispute rent increases or address a landlord who has been negligent in maintaining a property, by going to the NSW Civil and Administrative Tribunal.
However if tenants dont pay their rent, landlords can ask tenants to leave with 14 days' notice.
NSW Fair Trading commissioner Rod Stowe says tenants can dispute that if they think it's unfair.
Rod Stowe says the most important thing is putting any request in writing when dealing with real estate agents or landlords.
Fact sheets and more information about tenants rights and responsibilities are available in each state and territories in several languages.