Animation made from live action, French Japanese film 'Ghost Cat Anzu' is released in Australia

Ghost Cat Anzu

Animation film 'Ghost Cat Anzu.' Inset: Producer Keiichi Kondo Credit: Asia Pacific Screen Awards

The Japanese-French co-production animated film GHOST CAT ANZU has been nominated for Best Animated Film at the 17th Asia-Pacific Film Awards (APSA).

Although it narrowly missed out on the APSA award at the Gold Coast ceremony on 30 November, GHOST CAT ANZU was selected for the Directors' Fortnight at this year's Cannes Film Festival, where the film had an official screening. The film was also selected for the Asia-Pacific International section at the Melbourne International Film Festival 2024.

GHOST CAT ANZU began screening across Australia, except Tasmania and the Northern Territory, on the 5th of December.

In the audio, we asked Keiichi Kondo, the film's producer, about how the idea of making this film came about, how they communicated during the process of the Franco-Japanese co-production, and the reasons and effects of the use of Rotoscoping, a method of creating animation by tracing live-action footage.
Interview Keiichi Kondo image


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