This Australian waters permits Indonesian traditional fishermen activities. But do they know the restrictions?

Map of Australia

Map of Australia Source: iStockphoto / Juanmonino/Getty Images/iStockphoto

Indonesian fishermen using traditional fishing methods can operate in the area of Australian waters around the Timor Sea, known as the MoU Box. However, it is not without its own problems.

Indonesia and Australia have made a border agreement known as the Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) Box.

This is an area that is shaped like a box, of about 50,000kmof Australian waters in the Timor Sea, that is allowed to become a fishing area for Indonesian fishermen but with a number of conditions.

International Maritime Law expert from Padjadjaran University in Bandung, Achmad Gusman Siswandi, answered various questions related to this border agreement.

Including, why Australia allows Indonesian fishermen to fish in the area, but in some cases still catch fishermen who violate the border.

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