The incident that occurred on the website owned by the company Pertamina is certainly a concern.
Supposedly as vital facilities, depots and oil refineries are free from incident, let alone until they burn down.
In the event of the explosion of the Plumpang oil depo in Jakarta in March 2023 ago the death toll of about 30 people died.
Energy economics expert from Universitas Gadjah Mada Yogyakarta, Dr Fahmy Radhi MBA Pertamina, said Pertamina should have decent safety standards like many other international companies.
Pakar ekonomi energi dari Universitas Gadjah Mada Yogyakarta, Dr Fahmy Radhi MBA
In the following interview, Dr Fahmy Radhi peeled off the problems of the catastrophic crisis in Pertamina, and proposed a number of ways out.