Tsoom fwv Albanese tab tom npaj tias yuav txwv tsis pub tsub cov surcharge fees rau tej kev siv debit card transactions lawm.
Jim Chalmers uas yog tus nom tswj nyiaj txiaj rau tsoom fwv qhia tias nws tab tom tos Reserve Bank of Australia (RBA) cov kev txheeb txog tej hauj lwm no thiab tab sis yeej muaj hom phiaj xav los piv txwv tej no txij li thaum pib xyoo 2026.
Uas yog tej yam uas yuav pab neeg Australia txuag tau nyiaj ib xyoos twg txog li $500 million, tab sis kuj muaj ntau cov kev tawm tswv yim sib txawv txog tej no thiab.
RBA yeej kwv yees tias neeg Australia siv nyiaj txog $1 billion dollars los them cov kev siv tej debit card no hloov cov kev siv nyiaj ntsuab. Ces thawj pwm tsav Anthony Albanese thiaj tau hais tias yuav tsum tau tso tseg tej nqe no rau lub caij uas neeg Australia txom nyem heev vim muaj ntau yam nqe siv ua lub neej yuav tau them.
Nws hais tias ''Thaum tej neeg yuav ib yam khoom dab tsi, ces tsim nyog them raws tus nqe lo rau ntawm pob khoom ntawd xwb, tsis tsim nyog yuav tau them lwm yam nqe zais uas cuam tshuam nrog lawv cov kev siv lawv tej nyiaj thaum siv debit card li.''
Raws li RBA tej xov xwm qhia ces tej lagluam yeej tau siv nyiaj txog li $4 billion them tej nqe no rau tej txhab nyiaj xyoo dhau los thiab cia tej customers uas cov them.
Tej lagluam me ces tau them tej nqe no kim dua tej lagluam loj vim lawv muaj peev xwm sib khom nrog tej txhab nyiaj kom tau them tej nqe pheej yig dua.
Anna Bligh uas yog tus coj lub koom haum Australian Banking Association thiaj hais tias tej txhab nyiaj yeej txhawb nqa thawj pwm tsav tej lua uas nws tau hais ntawd.
Ms Bligh hais tias ''Tej txhab nyiaj yeej zoo siab tos txais tej kev sab laj no. Vim rau qhov peb tej cai siv tau ntev tshaj 20 xyoo no qub heev lawm thiab ntiaj teb los yeej tau muaj kev pauv hloov lawm ces thiaj txog caij lawm uas peb yuav tau kho tej xub ke ua lgluam rau peb tej lagluam me thoob teb chaws no lawm.''
Australia kuj tsis yog tib lub teb chaws thiaj tau them tej nqe debit card surcharges nkaus xwb thiab. RBA yeej txheeb tau tias neeg Australia tseem tau them tej nqe no kim tshaj tej neeg European them, tab sis them pheej yig zog tej neeg them ntawm teb chaws Meskas.
Txawm tias teb chaws Askiv tau txwv tsis pub sau tej nqe surcharge fees no xyoo 2018 lawm los yeej tseem muaj ib txhia lagluam thiab tej tsev kawm qib siab tseem siv tej tswv yim lug hla kom zam dhau tej kev txwv no thiab.
Lub koom haum Australian Small Business and Family Enterprise Ombudsman tej xov xwm kuj tau txheeb tau tias tsaib no ces tej lagluam me khwv tsis tau nyiaj tsam (profit) li thiab, txuas ntxiv ntawd los lub koom haum Council of Small Business Organisations Australia and Commonwealth Bank kuj txheeb tau ntawm lawv tsab ntawv cej luam tshiab tias tej lagluam los yeej tsis tshua muaj peev xwm them tau tej nqe ntau yam kim tuaj ntxiv uas cuam tshuam txog cov kev ua lagluam thiab.
Bruce Billson uas yog tus neeg ntawm lub koom haum Australian Small Business and Family Enterprise Ombudsman thiaj hais tias tsis xav kom tsoom fwv teb chaws tsuas txheeb txog tib co debit card surcharges nkaus xwb.
Billson hais tias ''Thiaj nyob ntawm seb Reserve Bank thiab Payments Board puas muaj fwj chim los tswj tej nqe cuam tshuuam txog cov kev ua lagluam no, xyuas kom siv tau cov payment system uas siv tau zoo thiab muaj kev dawb huv rau cov kev xuas card siv tej neeg tej nyiaj no, los yog tsis siv card li cas li siv xov tooj them los yog them hauv online uas pheej tseem muaj tej nqe ub nqe no yuav tau them, los sis yog tsis tsim nyog pheej yuav tau them kim li peb tseem niaj hnub them tam sim no.''
Ces tus tsoom fwv Labor no thiaj tau muab nyiaj ntau tshaj $2 million rau lub koom haum Australian Competition and Consumer Commission (ACCC) uas tus mus tshuaj ntsuam txog tej nqe tsub rau cov kev siv tej debit/credit cards no.
rau hnub zwj Teeb (Thursday) thaum 6 pm AEDT thiab hnub zwj Hnub (Sunday) thaum 11 am AEDT los yog koom tau ntxivntawm ,, , thiab los yog download thiab
kom koj mloog tau SBS Hmong.