Mr Kochhar established the Friends of the Children Foundation in 1998. He established initiatves like the 'Bread Brigade' and 'The Walk' for Monash Children's Hospital.
He co-founded the Geelong Asian Community Association in 1982 and has actively participated in various organisations, including Lions Club Oakleigh, Monash Multifaith Group, Monash Men's Shed, and Monash Disability Consultative Group.
The Notting Hill Neighbourhood House nominated him for this award.
As a Justice of Peace, Mr Kochhar has completed over 450 shifts since 2012.
He shared his source of inspiration and his aspiration to explore more ways to give back to the society with SBS Hindi.
The 2023 Awards were announced at a ceremony at the Government House on Wednesday 11 October 2023, hosted by Her Excellency Professor the Honourable Margaret Gardner AC, Governor of Victoria, and Minister for Ageing Ingrid Stitt.
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