An Australian’s love for India and his desi charpoy


Source: Twitter

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Daniel Bloore, a 44-year-old Sydney man, is manufacturing North India's famous charpoyin Australia.

Daniel Bloore, a 44-year-old Sydney man, is manufacturing North India’s famous charpoy or cot in Australia.

Daniel recently left a flyer of his charpoy at an Indian grocery store in Sydney and became an overnight sensation through Twitter in India.
Daniel Bloore (right) Source: Supplied
Indian twitter users are marvelling at the humble ‘khatiya’ or charpoys almost one thousand dollar transformation in Australia.

To know more about Daniel Bloore’s love for India and charpoy, listen to his conversation with Ami6t Sarwal.

Also Read: Shamsher Kainth’s article on Daniel Bloore’s charpoy - “”.
