Indian Bollywood actress Deepika Padukone launched her mental health foundation – Live love Laugh a year ago in October 2015.
Having battled depression herself, the actress has been a vocal supporter of seeking help for mental health issues which are often not discussed or simply ignored.
Her foundation’s website is a platform to express, share and champion mental health concerns especially targeted for the Indian audience.
The Indian government estimates that 6-7% of the population which is approximately 70 million Indians live with some sort of mental health issues.
What’s worse is that stigma and discrimination faced by these people and their families prevent them from seeking guidance.Deepika Padukone, who was diagnosed with depression during the peak of her career, hopes to change this.
Source: Wikipedia
This year, the foundation has released a short film produced by an Indian production company Nirvana which showcases how just a simple question is enough to help people battling depression.
In Australia, you can seek help for mental health issues around the clock at following places:
on 1300 659 467
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