Share your Diwali photos and win fabulous prizes from SBS Hindi

Its time to light up the diyas, dress up in Indian traditional attire, lit up some sparkles and enjoy the delicious sweets as we celebrate the victory of light over dark.

Diwali Indian family

Source: Getty Images

SBS Hindi wishes you all a very Happy Diwali and a joyous, prosperous New Year.

This year has been extraordinary.

We wish you all have safe, healthy and a joyous festival.
To add to your joyous celebrations, SBS Hindi has launched a photo competition.
Send us your best Diwali photos – family photos, kids enjoying the sparkles, family sharing sweets, you posing with your house decorations, your photo with your rangoli and the best photos stand a chance to win some really cool prizes from SBS Hindi.

This competition is now closed.

What are the prizes?

We have three SBS prize packs to give away this year which includes SBS Digital Radio and Ear Pods, valued at $100.
Diwali competition
Source: SBS Hindi
Remember, this is a game of chance in which winners will be selected at random.

Winners will be notified by email.

Entries will be published on the throughout the competition period.

P.S: By submitting your photograph, you approve of SBS using your entry in any way and in any media (including sharing on social media), and agree that all participants (and where necessary, their parent or guardian) depicted in the entry are aware and approve of this use.
Diwali competition
Source: SBS Hindi

1 min read
Published 13 November 2020 10:30am
Updated 25 September 2024 4:18pm
By SBS Hindi
Source: SBS

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